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  1. List Of Healthy Snack Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Healthy Greek Style Chicken Tacos
    Idea I came up with for something quick and healthy that can be mostly prepared in advance. I used a large cooked chicken breast cut-up but would also be a good use for leftover roast chicken. Makes 4 large tacos so I think would be a complete meal for two or a light snack / lunch for four, if using the smaller shells you'll probably be able to fill six of them. I listed a gherkin because that's what I used but you could also use a small handful of diced cucumber. Because it's served slightly chilled I think this would make a nice and quick summer meal at the end of a hot day. You could also use a low-fat Greek yoghurt and/or omit the feta. There is not a lot of sweetness in the recipe so I couldn't really say it was a kid pleaser, more of a slightly sharp taste from the salty and sour ingredients.
    Easy No-Crust Mini Quiche Appetizer
    I found this on the Food Network website and it was just what I was looking for: a flexible quiche recipe that doesn't have a crust. The original recipe calls to add the solid ingredients to the top of the quiche mixture in the pan, but there's no real reason why to do this, unless you think it's easier (I mixed it all together in a bowl and spooned it in). I have listed specific ingredients, but you are more than able to change those up to your taste. I prep/chop all the ingredients the night before if I'm making them for breakfast (I even saute the veggies in advance). The mini quiches keep really well and are good little snacks even when cold. They make a nice presentation when arranged on a plate. Inexpensive, healthy, easy and fast - that's what I like about this recipe!
    Tahini Date Cardamom Cookies
    A delicious and healthy cookie that can be put together very quickly. This recipe has a short list of ingredients and does not need any technical skills or even equipment. It can be an after meal treat or a powerhouse snack. I love the mixture of the cardamom flavor and tahini plus the sweetness of the dates.