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  1. My Crazy Life Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Crazy Mamie Fudge
    This is NOT just another fudge recipe, it is a Skaruup original! It is my standard fudge recipe, and if you try it, you will know why!! There is a copyright on the recipe, so I have included the following... This recipe is an original "Lunatic Fudge" variation of Mamie Eisenhower Fudge. It's simple to make, sets up very nicely without refrigeration, and has an excellent taste and texture. Don't be surprised if your friends tell you this is the best fudge they've ever had in their life. Honest. All I ask is that you don't modify this recipe, change it's name, or remove my copyright. Original recipe. (c) 1997 T. Skaarup. May be copied without modification. All rights reserved. By the way, cooking time is not "passive" work time because you have to stir the mixture the entire time it is cooking!
    Beefy Mexican Casserole
    This recipe was good fresh and not good at all as leftovers. I'm not sure how to fix that. Because my family lives on leftovers, I'm not crazy
    Danish Orange Marmalade Cheese Pockets
    In a wild and crazy moment, I decided my life wasn't complete if I didn't attempt making danish pastry from scratch. The results were great, but I have a new appreciation for the time and effort that goes into producing a breakfast pastry! This recipe originated in a cookbook by Nick Malgieri. I received the recipe via chef chocolat, who made some modifications; and then I made my own changes. Never having seen the original recipe, I'm not sure how much it has changed. You can make a plain cheese version, but it's a tad boring in my opinion. If you're going to invest the time to make this recipe, add a spoonful of marmalade or other jam/preserves or a sprinkling of chocolate chips to the filling.
    Pressure-Cooker Black Bean Soup
    Taste of Home
    Life can get really crazy with young children, but I never want to compromise when it comes to cooking. This recipe is healthy and so easy thanks to my one-pot cooker! —Angela Lemoine, Howell, New Jersey
    Slow-Cooked Black Bean Soup
    Taste of Home
    Life can get really crazy with young children, but I never want to compromise when it comes to cooking. This recipe is healthy and so easy, thanks to the slow cooker! —Angela Lemoine, Howell, New Jersey
    "Better Than a Can" Homemade Sloppy Joes
    I've had this recipe for many years and I used to make it on a regular basis when I was a newly-wed and made it often for the kids when they were itty bitty. It is a great recipe and one well worth making from scratch. Due to a crazy work and life schedule, I weened off of making it but I'm placing it back on my repertoire. I originally got this recipe from an old foodnetwork show called "Chef DuJour" where a different chef was featured daily. This particular day, Lauren Groveman was the chef who presented this recipe.
    The Best Peanut Butter Cookies In The World!
    I got this recipe from a wife of a co-worker. The recipe is called "Peanut Butter Cookies" but they are honestly the best peanut butter cookies that I have ever tasted in my life. I have not made these myself before because my boyfriend isn't crazy about peanut butter cookies so I do not know how much the recipe will make so I am going to give it my best estimated guess. For all of you peanut butter cookie lovers, I really hope that you enjoy this recipe as much as I did.
    Smoky Tea-Brined Chicken
    Let’s talk about taking risks for a second. After university, my parents sent me on a trip to Australia, by myself, as a graduation present. I travelled for 24 hours to Brisbane from Toronto, not speaking to anyone and with no plans as to where I was going to stay or go beyond my first 24 hours in the country. On my first day in Brisbane, I called my parents for the first time since I had arrived. “You can come home now,” said my dad, meaning every word of it. “you don’t have to prove anything. If you don’t want to be there, just get on a plane and come home. We won’t be mad at all.” Of course I wasn’t going to go home 6 hours after I had arrived. But what my dad meant was, it’s okay to make mistakes. If I decided to cut bait and return home after flying for 24 hours and spending $3500 on a plane ticket, my parents wouldn’t be upset at me. This is how I was raised, and my dad said it often enough to me: there are no mistakes in life, because you learn from every ‘mistake’ you make. Give yourself permission to fail. It’s okay. It’s with this attitude that I approach most things in life, including cooking. If I don’t take risks, or if I’m afraid to make a mistake, I will never develop any great recipes. And I’m not down with using other peoples’ ideas, at least not all the time. So, it was with this spirit that I developed this tea-brined chicken recipe. If you’ve ever had a brined chicken, you’ll know that brining yields a crazy delicious, succulent bird. It takes a while, but if you’ve got 24 hours, I would highly recommend it. Tea is a hot item right now, with good reason. It has tons of antioxidants called polyphenols, which among other things, may help lower cholesterol[1]. It also tastes darn good! I am not sure how I came up with the idea of brining chicken in tea, but all I know is that it came to me and I wanted to see if I could make it work. I used lapsang souchong tea for this recipe, which is a tea that’s dried over pine embers. This processing makes it smell and taste smoky, like a pine and oak wood fire. You’ve never smelled or tasted a tea like this one. I headed over to The Tea Emporium on Eglinton Ave. in Toronto to get the tea, since I knew they’d have it. They were more than happy to help me out, and soon I was holding a big bag of smoky tea leaves. I threw what I thought would go well with the tea into the brine, and soon I had my first chicken ready to go. I was a bit nervous, but the results were amazing; while the chicken was cooking, the entire house smelled like smoked turkey or ham. When I took it out of the oven, the chicken had a dark-brown lacquered, crispy skin that was absolutely show-stopping. It looked like Peking duck skin but without the layer of fat underneath. And the taste was out of this world. Now, don’t expect the chicken to taste like ‘tea’ – this isn’t your garden-variety black tea you’re brining it in. The meat will be smoky-tasting, as well as incredibly juicy and aromatic. The risk paid off, as it usually does.
    Cashew Cauliflower Cream
    There are two types of blonde people: those who get tanned and those who don’t. (there are also the people who are not blonde or tanned but they try their luck at it anyway. To those people I ask, do you color your pubic hair for consistency? <——- not being sarcastic). I had a friend once when I was little who had super blonde hair, the kind of blonde that had no dishwater color in it, only blonde. In the summer we would play by the river and by the end of one day her skin looked like it was kissed perfectly by the sun. A few weeks after that her skin was the color of a UPS truck and her hair was nearly platinum. I, on the other hand was either ghost white from diligent sunscreen application or bright red, like the nose of mother effing Rudolph because I too wanted to be tanned and WHO GETS TANNED WHILE WEARING SPF 5000, I ask you??? Here’s the thing: What is it with tanned blonde people? They’re always the ones who do crazy cool shit like make sail boats by hand and sail around the world, build their own houses out of mud and empty wine bottles and drive cars that they have single-handedly engineered to run on trash. I’m pretty sure they sometimes hang out with Johnny Depp and Jeff Bridges and they for sure make their own hooch. Also, now that I’m thinking about it, the cool tanned blondies always wear some type of rope / leather thing around their head and it looks damn good. If I wore a fucking rope around my head people would treat me really nice and hold the door for me because I look so “special”. And feathers. Why the hell can tanned blondes sport dirty ass bird feathers and make it look like something out of a Free People catalog? I could never pull that shit off. I may have the hair color, but I have never been tanned in my life (not even that one time when I used a tanning bed. Instead, I had red splotches on my skin for over a week because I was allergic to the oil that the lady firmly suggested I use. Something like that would NEVER happen to tanned blondes. I’m pretty sure that they don’t even fart and, if they do, it smells of peaches). The recipe below is something that some cool tanned blonde person would probably come up with but I came up with it first, HA! Make it, love it, comment about it, email me about it, share it with your friends. Put it on burritos, top your baked potatoes, slather your nachos, spoon it on your chili, put it on whatever you would normally put sour cream on.