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  1. Aug 23, 2024 · 35 Inspiring German Proverbs and Quotes. Perhaps you’re a student of German who’s rock solid in German greetings and common German phrases. Learning German proverbs can inspire you to take that final step toward achieving fluency. Even beginning learners can add some to their repertoire!

  2. People also ask

    • 6 Funny German Proverbs
    • 8 German Proverbs About Food and Drinks
    • 6 German Proverbs Related to Nature
    • 10 Beautifully Wise German Proverbs
    • Conclusion

    Let’s face it, Germans are not known for being the most humorous people in the world… I can assure you, though, that they do have some pretty funnyproverbs they like to use! “Laughter is the best medicine,” we say in English, so let’s start by having a look at some lighthearted German-language proverbs and idioms!

    Food might not be the first thing you think about when planning a trip to Germany, but the country has as much of a food culture as anywhere else in Europe. The cuisineis tasty, original, and different in every region. As you can imagine, you’ll find a lot of sausage-related idioms. But you’ll also find German food proverbs talking about cookies, s...

    If you’ve been to Germany, you’ll certainly know how important it is for the locals to spend some time in touch with nature. This is reflected in the proverbs they use in their daily lives. Bears, horses, rabbits, and forests…here we come!

    This is the longest list, so let’s admit it: Germans are pretty wise. Yes, they like to be funny sometimes, enjoy their food and drink, and love to spend time in nature. But when it comes to philosophical statements, they have no rivals! After all, German philosophersand thinkers are some of the most famous around the world. It’s easy to see why, i...

    “All good things must come to an end.” But it’s not really the end, is it? There’s so much more to learnabout the German language! As they say, “Practice makes perfect.” So keep practicing your German skills on! With all the features we offer (podcasts, videos with transcriptions, word lists, a dictionary, and more), you’ll pick up...

  3. Feb 8, 2024 · Was man wünscht das glaubt man gern. English equivalent: The wish is father to the thought. von Düringsfeld, Ida; von Reinsberg-Düringsfeld, Otto (1875). "720, wünscht" (in German). Sprichwörter der germanishcen und romanischen Sprachen Vergleichend.

  4. Jan 3, 2023 · In Germany, a country rich in traditions and historical heritage, proverbs offer a fascinating insight into the soul and thinking of its people. Proverbs are more than just a phrase. They symbolically represent the culture, morals, attitudes and beliefs of a society.

    • Du siehst den Wald lauter Bäumen nicht. Literally: you don’t see the forest for all the trees. Since this proverb is so similar to the English equivalent, its literal and metaphoric translations are the same!
    • Erst denken, dann handeln. Literally: first think, then act. While this might translate directly, the more common English equivalent is ‘think before you speak,’ or ‘think before you leap.’
    • Kümmere dich nicht um ungelegte Eier. Literally: don’t care/worry about the unlaid eggs. This proverb is fairly similar to the English ‘don’t count your chickens before they hatch.’
    • Wer ernten will, muss säen. Literally: whoever wants to harvest will sow. While this proverb’s literal translation might seem unrelated to any English proverbs, it has the colloquial meaning of ‘you reap what you sow.’
  5. Jun 23, 2015 · Here are 10 common German proverbs, some of them you might recognise in English, and some not! Wer im Glashaus sitzt sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Meaning: You shouldn’t criticize someone if you yourself are the same. Du siehst den Wald vor lauter Bäume nicht.

  6. Aug 15, 2022 · We will explore 18 easy and interesting German proverbs that will help you improve your German vocabulary and enable you to understand German conversations easily.

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    how do you say proverbs in german