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  1. Feb 20, 2013 · Mirror Site for JONATHAN KLECK & CLAY EUDALYAn update on where we all are on the prophetic timeline, and the Obama project is complete and the DVDs are ready...

    • 174 min
    • 4.8K
    • A Watchman
    • He Is The Son of Satan
    • He Is An Earthly Tyrant and Trickster
    • Past Popes Have Been Accused
    • He Is One and Many
    • He Dies in The End

    The Antichrist was the perfectly evil human being because he was completely opposite to the perfectly good human being, Jesus Christ. Just as Christians came to believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, so they thought that the Antichrist was the Son of Satan. Jesus was born of a virgin. So the Antichrist would be born of a woman who was appare...

    By the year 1000, the main outlines of the first of two narratives about the Antichrist was in place thanks to a noble-born Benedictine monk and abbot named Adso of Montier-en-Der(c. 920-92) who wrote a treatise on the subject. According to him, the Antichrist would be a Jew from the tribe of Dan and born in Babylon. He would be brought up in all f...

    By the year 1400, another narrative of the Antichrist had arisen. Now he was no longer the tyrant outside of the Church but the deceiver within it. In short, he was the Pope or even the institution of the papacy and the Church themselves. As the English religious radical John Wycliffe(c. 1329-84) put it, This was the position on the Antichrist adop...

    Within conservative Christianity over the last century, Antichrists have multiplied. “The Antichrist” has become a general category available for application to an array of individuals, collectives, and objects as the demonic “other”. Generally, predictions of a tyrant outside the church now dominate the idea of a deceiver within it. American presi...

    According to the Christian tradition, the Antichrist will finally be defeated by the armies of God under the leadership of Christ with the Kingdom of God (on earth or in heaven) to follow. So, in spite of current appearances, Christianity holds firmly to the hope that evil will be finally overcome and that goodness will ultimately prevail. The core...

    • Philip C. Almond
  2. The Son of Perdition Barack Hussein Obama Part 1 of 2. Kleck Mirror. 675 subscribers. 76. 2.2K views 5 years ago.

    • 83 min
    • 2.4K
    • Kleck Mirror
  3. The Son of Perdition Barack Hussein Obama FULL PRESENTATION by Jonathan Kleck and Clay Eudaly. Ok, so after many hours of research, I am convinced that the mark of the beast COULD (not...

    • 174 min
    • 1251
    • Lee Goodall
  4. The son of perdition (Greek: ὁ υἱός τῆς ἀπωλείας, ho huios tēs apōleias) is a phrase associated with a demoniacal title that appears in the New Testament in the Gospel of John 17:12 and in the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians 2:3.

  5. Obama, Son of Perdition? Narrative Rationality and the Role of the 44th President of the United States in the End-of-Days. By Jason Dittmer. Book Mapping the End Times. Edition 1st Edition. First Published 2010. Imprint Routledge. Pages 24. eBook ISBN 9781315593845. ABSTRACT.

  6. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12. King James Version. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God ...

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