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  1. Jul 19, 2018 · A vacuole is an organelle in cells which functions to hold various solutions or materials. This includes solutions that have been created and are being stored or excreted, and those that have been phagocytized, or engulfed, by the cell.

  2. Jun 3, 2024 · Vacuole, in biology, a space within a cell that is empty of cytoplasm, lined with a membrane, and filled with fluid. Especially in protozoa, vacuoles are cytoplasmic organs, performing functions such as storage, ingestion, digestion, excretion, and expulsion of excess water.

  3. › wiki › VacuoleVacuole - Wikipedia

    Function. The function and significance of vacuoles varies greatly according to the type of cell in which they are present, having much greater prominence in the cells of plants, fungi and certain protists than those of animals and bacteria. In general, the functions of the vacuole include:

  4. Oct 13, 2020 · A vacuole is a membrane bound structure found in the cytoplasmic matrix of a cell. The membrane surrounding the vacuole is known as tonoplast. The components of the vacuole, known as the cell sap, differ from that of the surrounding cytoplasm.

  5. The 4 Main Vacuole Functions. What does the vacuole do? The main function of vacuoles is to hold various substances and molecules; they basically act like the storage unit of the cell.

  6. Sep 21, 2021 · Vacuoles mainly help in the storage, and waste disposal in a cell. They store various molecules, including enzymes, waste products, water, and even food material, depending on the cell type. Here are the main roles of vacuoles in a plant cell:

  7. The functions of vacuoles in cells are as follows: Storage function: The vacuole is vital in storing various materials in plant and animal cells. It stores pigments like anthocyanin that give color to fruits and flowers. The vacuole also helps accumulate harmful components from the plant cell’s cytoplasm.

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