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  1. DESCRIPTIVE/SUMMARY STATISTICS. Discipline of quantitatively describing the main features of a collection of data. Numerical and graphical summaries used to characterize a dataset. The three main measures are.

  2. Statistics Cheat Sheet. Basic Statistics Definitions: Statistics – Practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data. Data – Values collected by direct or indirect observation. Population – Complete set of all observations in existence. Sample – Slice of population meant to represent, as accurately as possible, that population.

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  3. · 2011Cheat Sheet

    This cheat sheet integrates a variety of topics in probability the-ory and statistics. It is based on literature [1,6,3] and in-class material from courses of the statistics department at the Univer-sity of California in Berkeley but also in uenced by other sources [4,5]. If you nd errors or have suggestions for further topics, I

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  4. STATISTICS 243 FORMULAS 8 Source: Rachel L. Webb, PSU, January 2018 Learning Center 1875 SW Park Avenue, Millar Library, Portland, OR 97201 503.725.4448 ...

  5. 1.1 The Mean, Median and Mode. When given a set of raw data one of the most useful ways of summarising that data is to find an average of that set of data. An average is a measure of the centre of the data set. There are three common ways of describing the centre of a set of numbers.

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  6. An event is the speci cation of the outcome of a trial. An event can consist of a single outcome or a set of outcomes. The complement of an event is everything in the sample space that is not that event (not E or E). The probability of an event is always between 0 and 1.

  7. Statistics is a branch of mathematics used to summarize, analyze, and interpret a group of numbers or observations. We begin by introducing two general types of statistics: • Descriptive statistics: statistics that summarize observations. • Inferential statistics: statistics used to interpret the meaning of descriptive statistics.

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