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  1. Solution. If the radius of the spherical surface is R ≤ d then the sphere does not enclose any charge and the net flux through is: qin Φe = = 0. . If, however, R > d then there will be a part ` of the charged line that lies within the sphere, ` is given by (see Figure (24.20)): √. ` = 2 R2 − d2.

    • 336KB
    • 6
  2. The 1750-lm lamp is 1.25 m away from the sheet of paper; the lightbulb is 1.08 m away. What is the lightbulb’s luminous flux? (Level 3) SOLUTION: eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero SOLUTION: Possible answer: How far from a 1100 lm lightbulb should you place a screen so that it has an illuminance of 96 lx? 42.

  3. For the following problems give calculated answer, sig figs, and/or scientific notation when applicable. 7. What is the illumination of the page of a book that is 2.75 m directly below a source whose intensity is 150 cd?

  4. As stated in Section 1, light is the small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between 380 and 780 nm that is visible to the human eye. Two types of photorecep-tors within the eye, rods and cones, convert radiation within this range into signals to the brain.

    • 1MB
    • 48
    • Radiometry
    • Intensity and Radiance
    • d d
    • Radiant Exitance and Flux
    • Using the Radiance Theorem: Examples Later
    • Ttotal,
    • Radiometry Summary
    • Molecular Tag in Epi–Fluorescence
    • Summary of Spectral Radiometry
    • R, G,
    •  Y  =  YR YG YB   G 
    • Generating Colored Light
    • R, G, B,
    • P = LAΩ = LA0Ω0
    • Integrating Sphere
    • Lcloud = Mcloud=

    Power is Proportional to { Area of Aperture Stop { Area of Field Stop { “Brightness” of the Source (Radiance)

    Resolved Source: Many Unresolved Sources Combined ∫ I = ∫ dI = @I dA @A Radiance L (x; y; ;

    Radiant Exitance from Radiance ∫ ∫ (x; y) = (x; y; ; ) cos sin d d Radiance from Radiant Exitance L (x; y; ;

    Φ M Power or Flux from Radiant Exitance ∫ ∫ = Φ = (x; y) dxdy; Radiant Exitance from Power @P M (x; y) = @A

    Radiance is Conserved in a Lossless System (in Air) Losses Are Multiplicative { Fresnel Reflections and Absorption Radiance Theorem Simplifies Calculation of Detected Power { Determine Object Radiance { Multiply by Scalar,

    for Loss { Find Exit Window (Of a Scene or a Pixel) { Find Exit Pupil { Compute Power P = LobjectTtotalAexit windowΩexit pupil

    Five Radiometric Quantities: Radiant Flux Φ or Power P , Radiant Exitance, M , Radiant Intensity, I , Radiance, L, and Irradiance, E, Related by Derivatives with Respect to Pro-jected Area, A cos and Solid Angle, Ω. Basic Radiance, L=n2, Conserved, with the Exception of Mul-tiplicative Factors. Power Calculated from Numerical Aperture and Field Of ...

    Narrow Signal Bad Rejection Narrow Filter Lost Light

    For every radiometric quantity, there exists a spectral radio-metric quantity. In the name, no distinction is made between frequency and wavelength derivatives. The notation: subscript for frequency or for wavelength. The units are the original units divided by frequency or wave-length units. Spectral Fraction, f can be applied to any of the radiom...

    and B, Watts Tristimulus Values  X   XR XG XB   R 

         ZR ZG ZB B Chromaticity Coordinates (Normalized X , Y

    Given P(V ), x, and y Required Tristimulus Values Y =

    Determine Tristimulus Values. Sources with Different Spectra May Appear Identical. Light Reflected or Scattered May Appear Different Under Different Sources Of Illumination.

    Adjustable Stops (Match FOV) Sighting Scope? Calibration Required Spectrometer on Output? Spectral Filter? Photometric Filter? Computer { Radiance,P =(ΩA) { Luminance (All Units) { Spectral Quantities

    Power from Intensity Integrate over Solid Angle { Goniometry Information–Rich Time–Intensive Integrating Sphere Easy Single Measurement Applications { Wide–Angle Sources { Diffuse Materials Variations { Two Spheres { Spectroscopic Detector { More

    Radiant Exitance, M of Object Surface Illuminated with E M ( ) = R ( ) E ( )

  5. The primary difference between a luminous and an illuminated source is that the former generates light through its own processes, while the latter is visible due to the reflection of light coming from an external source. Luminous sources can be natural like the sun or man-made like a light bulb.

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  7. Luminous flux: it is defined as the total quantity of light energy emitted per second form a luminous body. It is represented by symbol F and is measured in lumens.

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