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  1. Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship where both species involved benefit from the interaction. These relationships can be critical to the survival and reproduction of the organisms involved and they can be found in various ecosystems.

  2. Many living things interact with other organisms in their environment. In fact, they may need other organisms in order to survive. This is known as interdependence. For example, living things that cannot make their own food must eat other organisms for food.

  3. By the end of this laboratory period you will be able to: Differentiate between colony morphology and cell morphology, and describe the colony morphology of bacteria grown on a solid surface. Prepare a bacterial smear for staining. Perform a simple stain, and explain why they are useful.

    • Predation: One Wins, One Loses. Predation includes any interaction between two species in which one species benefits by obtaining resources from and to the detriment of the other.
    • Competition: The Double Negative. Competition exists when multiple organisms vie for the same, limiting resource. Because the use of a limited resource by one species decreases availability to the other, competition lowers the fitness of both.
    • Mutualism: Everyone Wins. Mutualism describes an interaction that benefits both species. A well-known example exists in the mutualistic relationship between alga and fungus that form lichens.
    • Commensalism: A Positive/Zero Interaction. An interaction where one species benefits and the other remains unaffected is known as commensalism. As an example, cattle egrets and brown-headed cowbirds forage in close association with cattle and horses, feeding on insects flushed by the movement of the livestock.
  4. Apr 7, 2019 · A symbiosis is an evolved interaction or close living relationship between organisms from different species, usually with benefits to one or both of the individuals involved.

  5. Sep 25, 2022 · S ymbiosis is an ecological relationship between organisms of different species that is mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic. The symbiotic species are called symbionts. In all forms of symbiosis, one symbiont benefits, but the other may benefit, be harmed, or feel no effect.

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  7. May 16, 2023 · Symbiosis describes any long-term relationship or interaction between two organisms of different species. It is a long-term biological association where at least one or both organisms benefit. The organisms involved in symbiosis are called symbionts.

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