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  1. Jun 27, 2015 · In the British and World English dictionary, they have easy-going, with a hyphen. Google Ngrams concurs, although the usage in general has dropped significantly in the past few decades, and it's getting closer to easygoing. In both Ngram searches, easy going as two words is far less common.

  2. Jun 27, 2015 · Which one is correct: He's really easy-going. OR He's really easy going. As per my understanding, hyphen comes between compound adjectives if they are before noun; so the corre...

  3. My statement was about going back in time and the only way that's possible is going faster than light. The faster you go the slower time moves.

  4. Time travel is the hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future. Time travel is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and fiction, particularly science fiction. In fiction, time travel is typically achieved through the use of a hypothetical device known as a time machine.

    • Overview
    • Focusing on the Positive
    • Adopting Care-free Habits
    • Facing Problems with Ease

    Most people admire those who keep their cool and just take whatever is thrown at them. Have you ever wondered how to keep going and smile through hard times? Maybe you were not born with a laid-back attitude, but you can adopt one by changing the way you perceive and respond to the world around you. Learn how to take life in stride and develop the ...

    Practice gratitude to improve your mood and outlook.

    One of the best antidotes for beating worry is to focus on the good. You can do that by taking time each day and pointing out what you are thankful for in your life. Grateful people heal from sickness faster, are happier, and are more resilient to life’s problems. Plus, when you are aware of all that you have to be thankful for, you are less likely to ruminate over a bad situation and get stuck in a negative rut.

    Take some time at the end of each day to write down at least three things you are grateful for in a gratitude journal. When you feel down, review your journal and remind yourself of the positive things happening in your life.

    Spend time with fun, positive people.

    Being overly serious can work against you if you are hoping to become more easy-going. Laid-back people tend to move with the tide rather than pushing against it. Even if you’re an adult with an important job, that doesn’t mean you have to be totally serious all the time. When it’s necessary to take a serious approach, do that. But during leisure time, make a commitment to lightening up some. Doing this will even make you more likeable to others.

    Say yes more. Make an effort to be more spontaneous. Even if you are more comfortable planning things out, once in a while say yes to a friend's random idea or spontaneous adventure.

    Take personal responsibility for your own happiness.

    Assigning the job of keeping you happy to someone else will keep you frustrated and dissatisfied. You alone are responsible for how you feel. No one can make you happy without your permission. Just as no one can negatively affect your mood without your permission. The same goes in reverse: you are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness.

    An easy-going person doesn’t become overwhelmed or bogged down by life’s problems. People with laid-back attitudes know all too well that even the worst problems are temporary. If you often overreact in the face of issues, it’s time to take a chill pill.

    Instead of stomping off in anger or frustration or running what went wrong through your head over and over, take a deep breath. Breathe in through your nose for a few counts. Hold it, and then release the air through your mouth for a few counts. Repeat this until you feel calm and able to view the issue more objectively.

    Accept that “This, too, shall pass” by repeating the phrase to yourself whenever you encounter a problem that causes you to want to overreact. Remember that you don’t own all the problems of the world.

    Practice mindfulness to help maintain emotional composure. Let in comments, ideas, and opinions without judgment or offense. Realize that these are a reflection on the person saying them and have little to do with you personally. Remind yourself that you are competent and able to deal with life’s problems as they arise.

    • 183.9K
  5. Jan 9, 2016 · Does it mean that the meaning of the word easy-going differs depending on the context, or it's a difference between British and American English. [American Heritage Dictionary] adj. 1. a. Living without undue worry or concern; calm. b. Lax or negligent; careless.

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  7. Oct 8, 2020 · If you constantly feel anxious about the future, it’s hard to be easy going and laid-back. If anything, people may perceive you as anxious, uptight, or overly rigid. The good news is that many strategies can help with chronic worry.

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