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  1. The story is a narrative told in the third person by a limited omniscient observer. He/she can tell us the thoughts and feelings of the verger (Albert Foreman), but none of the other characters. At first, the language (tone) of the story is formal and objective.

  2. Jan 28, 2021 · Maugham’s short story The Verger” is a tale about a simple man Albert Edward Foreman. He has been a verger in St. Peter’s Neville Square Church, doing his duties with great enjoyment and dedication. His routine work is disturbed with the arrival of new vicar in the church.

  3. On the vicar's red face was a look of resolute benignity, but the others bore an expression that was slightly troubled. `He's been naggin' them, he 'as,' said the verger to himself. `He's jockeyed them into doin' something, but they don't 'alf like it. That's what it is, you mark my words.'.

  4. The eponymous verger in Maugham's short story is illiterate, which causes him to lose his job in the church. Despite his abrupt dismissal, there's no sense that not being able to read and write...

  5. Somerset Maugham's short story "The Verger" begins in a fashionable London church called St. Peter's, just after a christening has taken place. The new vicar, recently arrived...

  6. He does not have the skills that the vicar thinks a verger must have. Maugham may also be exploring the theme of opportunity. Rather than being downcast about the fact that he has lost his job. Albert Edward turns his loss into an opportunity by deciding to set up a tobacconists and newsagents.

  7. People also ask

  8. The man had been a civil servant in Asia, and the only memorable thing about him was that he was a onetime drunk, taking a bottle to bed with him every night and finishing it before morning. His...