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  1. Oct 6, 2020 · It was at St. Dorothy’s where Mr. Stewart had served as the seventh and eighth grade football coach for 50 years, culminating in his being named to the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Hall of...

  2. Dec 6, 2016 · From 1963 to 2014, he has served as the CYO football coach at St. Dorothy’s Grade School in Drexel Hill, and in 2003, he was elected to the CYO Hall of Fame and the Monsignor Bonner Hall of...

  3. Jun 9, 2017 · The movie background –. Jim White, a football coach, loses his job and moves with his family to take a new job at McFarland High School in McFarland, California, which is predominantly Latino. Discovering that some of his students are strong runners, he organizes a boys’ cross country team with seven members who have little hope for their future.

    • Did Jim White Really Start Coaching at Mcfarland High School in 1987?
    • Had Jim White Really Been Fired from Several Prior Teaching Jobs?
    • Did Jim White Really Create A Cross Country Team at McFarland?
    • Does Jim White Really Have Two Daughters?
    • Did The Kids Really Nickname Jim White "Blanco"?
    • Is Mcfarland High School Really Located Across The Street from A Prison?
    • Did Coach White Really Follow The Boys on A Bicycle?
    • Were The Diaz Brothers Really Forbidden by Their Mother from Competing?
    • Did Coach White Really Help The Kids Work in The fields?
    • Were Their Opponents Really Snobby Rich Kids Who Looked Down on them?

    No, the real Coach Jim White actually started coaching cross country at McFarland High School in 1980. However, he had been a teacher in the McFarland School District since 1964, following his graduation from Pepperdine University. Back then, McFarland was largely white demographically. He retired in 2003 after 23 years of coaching boys cross count...

    No. As stated above, the real Jim White started teaching in the McFarland School District straight out of college in 1964. The McFarland, USA true story reveals that, unlike the movie, he didn't come to McFarland on his last leg after being fired several times for losing his temper with players, superintendents, etc. His first teaching position in ...

    Not exactly. Jim White restarted the program in 1980 after it had been dropped for a year. However, he did rebuild the boys and girls cross country programs from the ground up. -Congressional Record, V. 146, Pt. 12

    The real Jim White and wife Cheryl White actually have three daughters, Tami, Julie and Jami. Julie and Jami are depicted in the McFarland, USA movie. They are portrayed to be 15 and 10, a few years younger than they actually were at the time of the first state title in 1987 (the girls were in college at the time). All three girls graduated with de...

    Yes. Inspired by the irony of his last name, "Blanco" was one of the nicknames that the kids and their families gave Jim White. -LA Times

    McFarland High School is actually just down the road from the Central Valley Correctional Facility, not across the street. Though it is very close, Jim White likely wouldn't have had a clear view of it from his classroom window, as a street of homes separates the school's athletic fields from the prison grounds.

    Yes. A 1997 LA Timesarticle described it as a rickety, worn bicycle, but did not state that it was a girl's bicycle like in the movie. However, similar to the film, Jim White had never been a runner himself and used the bike to follow the team during their workouts.

    Yes. The McFarland, USA true story confirms that at first, the mother of the Diaz brothers -- David, Damacio and Danny -- forbid them from competing. She eventually concluded that it was good for them as long as they still worked.

    Yes. To make up for the time they couldn't work in the fields due to cross country practice, Jim White would sometimes give his time to them by helping them pick in the fields. "Sometimes I helped them work in the fields," says the real Coach Jim White, "but more importantly, I had practice at a different time. If one or two of those boys couldn't ...

    Likely not. Local photojournalist John Harte, who followed the team at the time, says that he witnessed opposing teams offer genuine handshakes of good luck. This included members of the Bakersfield High Drillers. In the least, such scenes seem to have been exaggerated by the filmmakers.

  4. I recently met Jim White, the legendary cross-country coach whose team inspired the new film, McFarland USA. Kevin Costner stars as Coach White, mentor to seven boys raised amidst the farms...

  5. In Boise, Idaho, 1987, Jim White and his title of coach is signifying his status as a football coach in the state capital city's high school football team, but his reputation is not a good one.

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  7. Jun 7, 2016 · He started coaching the high school cross-country teams in 1980, not 1987. The film depicts the McFarland team forming and winning the state championship in the same year (1987). In reality, White had been coaching the cross country team for seven years (since 1980). 1987 was the first year that the state cross-country championship race was ...

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