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  1. (3) "So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like the rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth." Jesus' death on the cross and subsequent ascension was between 30-33AD and many believe it to be 32 AD - so it puts 2000 years on in that early 2030's period, maybe 2032.

    • The Darkness
    • The Curtain
    • The Earthquake
    • The Dead Raised

    What happened: Jesus was placed on the cross at 9 a.m. (Mark 15:25), then “from noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over the whole land”(Matt. 27:45). The significance: In the Old Testament, darkness is frequently a sign of judgment (see Amos 5:18; 8:9). Recall that the ninth plague of the exodus event was darkness over the land of Egyp...

    What happened: “The curtain of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom” (Matt. 27:51). The significance: Some Bible scholars have suggested this was the curtain that separated the court of the Jews from the court of the Gentiles. This would make sense in light of Ephesians 2:14, where Paul said Christ has torn down the dividing wall betwee...

    What happened: “The earth quaked, and the rocks were split” (Matt. 27:51). The significance: Earthquakes were common in Palestine, though there was nothing common about this one. The timing and accompanying events suggest this was a supernatural event. Earthquakes in the Bible often accompanied divine revelation or a unique act of God. When God app...

    What happened: “The tombs were also opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised” (Matt. 27:52). The significance: The opening of the tombs would likely have occurred as a result of the earthquake. The miracle was the raising of many saints from the dead. These would have been Old Testament saints. These resurrections demo...

  2. Aug 20, 2020 · Yes, it required His death, Yes, Jesus received authority over heaven and earth by inheritance that required His death, burial, resurrection, and His ascending to the Father with His own blood. Notice that Jesus told Mary not to touch Him prior to His ascending to the Father to be glorified in John 20:17:

  3. Bible Answer: Matthew 27:45 tells us that it was the sixth hour in Jewish time, which would have been 3:00 p.m. At that time total darkness occurred. Verses 50-53 tell us that Jesus died and immediately the veil in the temple was torn from the top to the bottom.

  4. God was also pleased to bring everything on earth and in heaven back to himself through Christ. He did this by making peace through Christ's blood sacrificed on the cross. Good News Translation. Through the Son, then, God decided to bring the whole universe back to himself.

  5. Mar 30, 2016 · Jesus was born, he died and rose again, before ascending into heaven. These truths are foundational to our Christian faith. We know the familiar stories of the Triumphal Entry, the Last Supper and the crucifixion, but what happened between the resurrection and ascension?

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  7. Jan 1, 2001 · (2) “Into the parts lower than the earth” (a genitive of comparison). This would mean that Christ descended into hades between His death and resurrection. (3) “Into the lower parts which belong to the earth” (a genitive of possession). This would refer to Christ’s death and His burial in the grave.

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