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  1. Mother's Day Top - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Strawberry Shortcake Mother’s Day Treat
    Strawberry Shortcake Mother’s Day Treat With Angel Food Cake, Cream Cheese, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Whipped Cream, Splenda, Cornstarch, Strawberry Gelatin, Water, Strawberries, Mint Leaves, Strawberries
    Mini Cheesecake Trifles for an easy Mother’s Day Dessert
    Mini Cheesecake Trifles For An Easy Mother’s Day Dessert With Pound Cake, Frozen Whipped Topping, Strawberries, Cream Cheese, Confectioner's Sugar, Vanilla Extract
    Mother's day Challah
    I baked this for this mother's day. I wanted to make something special that represents my Mom. We are four siblings, so I decided to make this round challah with 4 ropes topped with 4 different seeds. It shows the bond we have amongst us that is created by my Mom's love. The round shape shows her arms around us. I am so in live with the book 'Breaking breads; by Uri Scheft. I am planning to make many recipes as a part of the Food52 Baking club as well.
    Sheet Pan Mother's Day Brunch
    Food Network
    When you cook a complete brunch (sausage, French toast, fruit topping and all) on two sheet pans, you say good-bye to juggling multiple pans and timers. This recipe is easy enough that the kids can help make it, but elegant enough to make it feel special. Plus, cleanup is a breeze.
    Strawberry Eton Mess for Mother's Day
    This Eton mess is a fast and easy dessert filled with cream, marinated strawberries, and meringue topped with caramelized almonds. Try it for Mother's Day!
    Strawberry Eton Mess for Mother's Day
    This Eton Mess is a fast and easy dessert filled with cream, marinated strawberries, and meringue topped with caramelized almonds. Try it this Mother's Day!
    Lydia's Cranberry Salad
    This has always been a holiday favorite; it's even good for breakfast the next day. It's got a little of everything - cranberries, grapes, nuts, and miniature marshmallows - all held together with whipped topping. This keeps several days. In the beginning I was always told I HAD to use fresh whipped cream, but in later years my mother-in -law admitted to using nondairy whipped topping herself. A memory of my beloved mother-in-law, and something that makes Christmas...CHRISTMAS!
    Cherry Cloud
    My mother called this 'Cherry Cloud Salad,' but in the 70's and 80's everything was a salad! These days most people call it a dessert, as it's very sweet and rich.
    Pear Crisp with Hand-Churned Vanilla Ice Cream
    Food Network
    When I was a brownie in summer camp at Camp Sacajewea we would make hand cranked vanilla or peanut better ice cream on those hot August days, taking turns turning the crank. I can still remember the slightly icy quality of it. Maureen Shay's mother was my troop leader so I suspect she was the instigator of this long love affair I've been having with homemade ice cream. No fancy vanilla bean used here like in my normal ice creams. Vanilla extract is what the Brownies pantry stocked. My aunt Jimmy (her real name was Sylvia) brought apple crisp into the family's repertoire. In the recipe file her name adorns the top of the card. I, of course, needed to make it my own by using pears and making it a bit lighter and more flavorful with the apple juice concentrate.