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  1. The Palais des Papes (English: Palace of the Popes; lo Palais dei Papas in Occitan) is a historical palace located in Avignon, Southern France. It is one of the largest and most important medieval Gothic buildings in Europe. Once a fortress and palace, the papal residence was a seat of Western Christianity during the 14th century.

  2. Residence of the 15th century sovereign pontiffs, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Palais des Papes in Avignon is the largest Gothic palace in the world with its 000 m2 of floor space, the equivalent in volume of 4 Gothic cathedrals .

  3. Résidence des souverains pontifes du XIVe siècle, classé au Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, le Palais des Papes d'Avignon constitue le plus important palais gothique du monde avec ses 15 000 m2 de plancher, soit en volume l'équivalent de 4 cathédrales gothiques.

  4. Le Palais des papes d'Avignon est la plus grande des constructions gothiques du Moyen Âge [1]. À la fois forteresse et palais, la résidence pontificale fut pendant le XIV e siècle le siège de la chrétienté d'Occident [N 1].

  5. Find on this page all the price information concerning the famous Palais des Papes in Avignon!

  6. The Palais des Papes, an austere-looking fortress lavishly decorated by Simone Martini and Matteo Giovanetti, dominates the city, the surrounding ramparts and the remains of a 12th-century bridge over the Rhone.

  7. The Palais des Papes, an atypical building. The monumental residence of the pontiffs, a symbol of the Church’s influence in the Christian West in the 14th century, is the largest Gothic palace in the world!

  8. Located in the center of Avignon on the Rocher des Doms (Doms rock), the Palais des Papes (Popes’ Palace) is the largest building of its time. It was the theater of 6 conclaves between 1335 and 1394.

  9. Listed as a World Heritage Site by Unesco, the Popes' Palace is one of the 10 most visited monuments in France with 650,000 visitors per year. A true symbol of the influence of Western Christianity in the 14th century, this 15,000m2 masterpiece of a monument is the largest medieval fortress and biggest gothic palace of Europe.

  10. Jan 4, 2023 · Approach the imposing walls and four impressive towers, and admire the 14th century Church’s show of influence and power; truly colossal. It was the Palais des Papes that symbolised and exerted the extensive power held by the Pope, from a city that was once the capital of Christianity.

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