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  2. Feb 21, 2023 · Key points. There are common signs that indicate a relationship is at risk for a final break-up. Divorce is the final solution to an unworkable marriage; partners need to be sure this is...

    • Conflict is constant. When fighting is unrelenting, to the point where there are very few minutes of calm, take it seriously. Fighting about fighting, or not fighting fair, are both signs that the battles have grown big enough that they need to be addressed.
    • Or, you've stopped even bothering to fight. Some couples become so exhausted by fighting that they simply stop, but that doesn't mean that all is well—far from it.
    • It doesn't occur to you to share good news with your partner. Your partner should not have to be your only cheerleader, and there may be plenty of types of news—an amazing bargain on that item you wanted!
    • One of you wants to seek help, and the other doesn't. It's a classic problem that has spelled the end of many a marriage: Counseling is clearly needed, and yet only one person is willing to take that step.
    • Incompatible Temperament and Values
    • Aggression and/or Domestic Violence
    • Lack of Communication, Negotiation, and Compromise
    • Lack of Common Goals
    • Lack of Equality in Chores, Work, and Decision Making
    • Worshipping The Four Horsemen
    • Unfulfilling Or Non-Existent Sex Life
    • You Avoid Coming Home
    • You’Re Ready to Move on to Someone Else
    • 10- You Can’T Move Past A Betrayal, Mistrust, Or Relationship Trauma

    There are lots of things that couples can, and should, negotiate. Having differences is not a bad thing, however in my experience, there are some temperament and values, that over time, can remain incompatible. For example, picture a couple with an introvert partner married with an extrovert spouse who needs to invite friends over every night. A pa...

    Unfortunately, intimate partner aggressionis a major issue and a sign that perhaps it is time to move on. Now, some partners are willing to change, but not able. Other times, they’re able, but not willing. If a partner admits to being aggressive and is both able and willing to seek help, then I do believe that the relationship could be improved, bu...

    As well articulated in this articleon communication in relationships, when communication dies, so does the relationship. Both in my personal and professional life, I found that when one or both partners stop using manners, talk with a tone that speaks volume, or a body language that serves to intimidate, it can be a sign that the marriage got to a ...

    It is important for couples to share a common direction. It doesn’t mean that they have to share 100% of their goals together, but a couple with no common goals, is a couple with no compass. They just float away until they’re lost. Goals may include things like going a trip somewhere, buying a house, or having children. It doesn’t really matter, as...

    Now this is one that I feel is important. Regardless of what your contribution might be in the relationship; whether you are staying home to raise children, working overtime to pay bills, or you’re alone in making all the decision, all the above will impact on how you feel within your relationship. For example, as a married mother of five children,...

    As a couple therapist, I often will use valuable resources from the Gottman’s institute. This article on the four horsemenand their antidotes is a good one to consider here. When a relationship has begun to use contempt, criticism, defensiveness, and stonewalling more than they are using respect, love, and empathy, we have ourselves a problem. Of c...

    As an accredited sexologist, I see this quite often. Couples who haven’t had sex in decades, literally, wondering why they no longer feel connected. Interestingly, men feel closer to their partner after they have been sexually intimate, while women need to feel emotionally connected to feel like sex (although I acknowledge that this is very stereot...

    You find yourself staying back at work just to avoid the tension the second you walk through the door, and/or look for any excuse to be doing overtime, volunteering with the neighbours, or simply to be engrossed on your computer, phone, or Ipad. The second you find yourself dreading returning to your house, getting a dose of anxiety as your drive a...

    This may not apply to non-monogamous couples, however if you identify as a monogamous person, finding yourself (or your partner) interested in someone else, considering moving on with a different person, or sharing your thoughts and emotions, facts you used to tell your partner, with someone else, you may be outgrowing your relationship. Clearly, h...

    All relationships go through a level of trauma and difficulties, however some couples go through these more than others. For example, ongoing lies, ongoing mistrust, betrayals, and other traumatic events can damage the relationship. With good therapy, couples can recover from trust issues as discussed in this article How to Overcome Trust Issues in...

  3. Nov 6, 2023 · Only you know whether you can or should repair your relationship. But there are signs that can help you decide when it's time to divorce. And there are also signs that, with relationship counseling and hard work, your marriage can be saved.

    • Sheri Stritof
    • There's constant criticism. Constant criticism is an indication that feelings of love and warmth for each other are being replaced by judgment. If you're constantly criticizing each other, that's not a good sign, according to licensed therapist and co-founder of Viva Wellness Jor-El Caraballo, LMHC.
    • Your relationship has become sexless. Another sign of an unhappy marriage is a virtually nonexistent sex life. Or, when you do have sex on the rare occasion, it's not great.
    • You struggle to spend time together. Being around each other may feel like a chore, or extremely forced. Without the sense of intimacy that was once there, you may feel like you have nothing to say—and also don't really care what they have to say.
    • You stop sharing wins with each other. When something exciting happens, who's the first one you call? If it was once your spouse and now it's a friend or family member, that's a sign your marriage has taken a hit.
  4. Jan 19, 2013 · How can you tell if your relationship is unambiguously over? These 35 questions and thoughts should factor into any decision:

  5. What is on the list are 1) over-familiarity or taking each other for granted, 2) poor communication and 3) a business mindset orkeeping score”. If you want your marriage to be happy, the reasons why the infidelity occurred need to be addressed, not the infidelity itself.

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