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  1. Human rights in Indonesia are defined by the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945) and the laws under it; several rights are guaranteed especially as a result of the constitutional amendments following the Reform era.

  2. Today, humanitarianism is particularly used to describe the thinking and doctrines behind the emergency response to humanitarian crises. In such cases it argues for a humanitarian response based on humanitarian principles, particularly the principle of humanity.

  3. Humanitarian aid is material and logistic assistance, usually in the short-term, to people in need. Among the people in need are the homeless, refugees, and victims of natural disasters, wars, and famines.

  4. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is a United Nations (UN) body established in December 1991 by the General Assembly to strengthen the international response to complex emergencies and natural disasters. [1] It is the successor to the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO).

  5. Bantuan kemanusiaan adalah bantuan materi dan logistik kepada orang-orang yang membutuhkan. Biasanya bantuan ini bersifat sementara sampai digantikan oleh bantuan pemerintah dan lembaga lain dalam jangka panjang. Orang-orang yang membutuhkan tersebut adalah tunawisma, pengungsi, korban krisis kemanusiaan seperti bencana alam, perang, dan ...

  6. Humanitarian intervention is the use or threat of military force by a state (or states) across borders with the intent of ending severe and widespread human rights violations in a state which has not given permission for the use of force. [1] Humanitarian interventions are aimed at ending human rights violations of individuals other than the ...

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  8. OCHA works with the government of Indonesia and international and local humanitarian organizations, to coordinate humanitarian relief efforts. Indonesia is one of the most disaster-prone countries on earth. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and floods have impacted the country in recent years.

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