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  1. The San Antonio Spurs defeat the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 4 of the 2007 NBA Finals to win the 2007 National Basketball Association Championship. Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins wins the Hart Memorial Trophy as the National Hockey League's most valuable player during the 2006–07 season in the annual NHL awards.

  2. Juni 2007 [ Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten ] Berlin / Deutschland : Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schäuble warnt vor der gesteigerten Gefahr von radikal islamischen Terroranschlägen auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik.

  3. › wiki › Juni_2007Juni 2007 - Wikipedia

    Het Joegoslavië-tribunaal in Den Haag veroordeelt de voormalige Servische rebellenleider Milan Martić (52) tot 35 jaar cel voor het vermoorden, vervolgen en etnisch zuiveren van Kroaten en andere niet-Serviërs tijdens zijn leiderschap over de zelfverklaarde Republiek van Servisch Krajina, begin jaren negentig in Kroatië.

  4. Jumat, 22 Juni 2007. 22 - Ismail Haniyeh, pemimpin Hamas dan perdana menteri Palestina yang dipecat oleh Presiden Mahmoud Abbas dari Fatah, menyerukan perundingan baru antara kedua faksi itu, demikian dinyatakan oleh kantor Haniyeh.

  5. (Bloomberg) British police defuse a bomb in Central London; a second bomb is found hours later. (CNN) (The Globe and Mail) At least 13 people die in clashes between militants and Indian security forces in Jammu and Kashmir. (BBC)

  6. › wiki › 20072007 – Wikipedia

    2007 (MMVII) var ett normalår som började en måndag i den gregorianska kalendern. Detta år högtidlighöll en rad institutioner i Sverige och andra länder 300-årsminnet av Carl von Linnés födelse den 23 maj 1707 och 100-årsminnet av Astrid Lindgrens födelse den 14 november 1907.

  7. June 11, 2007 (Monday) edit. history. watch. A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Virginia rules that the United States government cannot indefinitely detain U.S. residents as " enemy combatants ." (AP via CNN)

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