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  1. to tell the truth. really. truthfully. truly. actually. indeed. verily. genuinely. admittedly. forsooth. sincerely. assuredly. wholeheartedly. very honestly. speaking frankly. in truth.

  2. Synonyms. indeed. in fact. truly. in reality. without question. certainly. for sure. veritably. in truth. undeniably. really. to be sure. with certainty. positively. strictly speaking. joking apart. as a matter of fact. to be honest. in point of fact. actually. coming right down to it.

  3. Synonyms. Similar meaning. View all. come clean. actually. speak the truth. be frank. tell you the truth. really. be truthful. honestly. tell all. be honest. frankly. confess. be open. be straightforward. own up. be straight. keep nothing back. talk straight. be on the up and up. give the true story. in point of fact. tell truth. be straight with.

  4. v. be straightforward. v. be open. v. come to terms. v. talk straight. v. be above-board. v. be serious. be up-front. v. keep nothing back. v. speak the truth. telling the truth. be on the up. avow. v. # allow , admit. disclose. v. # allow , admit. be clear. be direct and frank. be fair.

  5. What is another word for Tell the truth? come clean. acknowledge, be honest. confess. acknowledge. own up. acknowledge. let on. acknowledge. own. avow. acknowledge. grant. concede. allow. be frank. be honest. be open. be honest. be straightforward. be honest. keep nothing back. be honest. tell all. disclose. recognize. declare. assent to.

  6. What is another word for To tell the truth? in fact. as a matter of fact. really. actually. in point of fact. if truth be told. in actual fact. in reality. in truth. truly. to be honest. sooth to say. in actuality. indeed. frankly. to be frank. in sooth. literally. as it happens. in consequence. honestly. sincerely. candidly. verily. in good truth.

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