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  1. Henry VII did all he could to erase Richard from history, and the same went for poor Anne Neville. Although she was the freaking Queen of England, we have very, very few records of Anne Neville. On top of her unmarked grave, few portraits of her exist, or any other memorials of any kind.

  2. › wiki › Anne_NevilleAnne Neville - Wikipedia

    Anne Neville was crowned alongside her husband on 6 July 1483 by Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury, the first joint coronation in England in 175 years. The queen's train was borne by Margaret, Countess of Richmond, whose son would become Henry VII after defeating Richard at the Battle of Bosworth.

  3. Sep 28, 2023 · Disillusioned with Edward, Warwick switched to the Lancastrian side and promised Anne to Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou’s only son, Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales (1453–1471). The marriage ceremony was delayed until Warwick realised his scheme to restore Henry VI to the throne.

  4. Jul 15, 2019 · Anne Neville (June 11, 1456—March 16, 1485) was first married to the young Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales and son of Henry VII, and later became the wife of Richard of Gloucester (Richard III) and thus Queen of England. She was a key figure, if more or less a pawn, in the Wars of the Roses.

    • Jone Johnson Lewis
  5. Feb 4, 2015 · In March 1485, Richard’s queen, Anne Neville, died and this personal heartbreak had to be shoved aside in the face of Henry Tudor’s rebellion. It was soon rumored that Richard would marry Elizabeth of York or her sister Cecily, thus regaining the support of Henry’s Yorkist allies.

  6. Anne Neville was Queen of England and wife to the last Plantagenet King Richard III but what do we know of her life? In this article author Anne O'Brien sheds light on this forgotten queen.

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  8. Aug 1, 2023 · Instead of Richard III, it is Henry VII – who won victory over the former at the great Battle of Bosworth in 1485 and is remembered at Westminster Abbey. His legacy to it is most apparent in...

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