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  1. › wiki › Vulgar_LatinVulgar Latin - Wikipedia

    Vulgar Latin, also known as Popular or Colloquial Latin, is the range of non-formal registers of Latin spoken from the Late Roman Republic onward. [1] Vulgar Latin as a term is both controversial and imprecise.

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  3. Vulgar Latin, or Common Latin, is one of the two types of Latin, an old language that was spoken by the Romans. Vulgar Latin is not spoken anymore, but its many dialects eventually became what are now Romance languages (such as Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Romanian).

  4. British Latin or British Vulgar Latin was the Vulgar Latin spoken in Great Britain in the Roman and sub-Roman periods. While Britain formed part of the Roman Empire, Latin became the principal language of the elite and in the urban areas of the more romanised south and east of the island.

  5. Vulgar Latin (in Latin, sermo vulgaris) is a blanket term covering vernacular usage or dialects of the Latin language spoken from earliest times in Italy until the latest dialects of the Western Roman Empire, diverging significantly after 500 CE, evolved into the early Romance languages, whose writings began to appear about the 9th century.

  6. Aug 1, 2019 · Vulgar Latin was a simpler form of literary Latin. It dropped terminal letters and syllables (or they metathesized). It decreased the use of inflections since prepositions (ad (> à) and de) came to serve in place of case endings on nouns.

  7. Vul­gar Latin was the Latin of the mid­dle class. It was the Latin of peo­ple with some, but lim­it­ed, school­ing: the mer­chants, arti­sans, low­er pub­lic offi­cials and army offi­cers, who were required to know how to read and write for prac­ti­cal pur­pos­es. The mid­dle class was influ­en­tial.

  8. Dec 20, 2023 · Vulgar Latin was the everyday form of Latin that was spoken by the common people (the vulgus) of the Roman Empire. It was the language of soldiers, merchants, farmers, workers, rather than the language of scribes, poets, historians and politicians.

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