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  1. Like most charitable foundations, the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation (which funds and operates Wikipedia) maintains a public donors page, which lists Google Matching Gifts program as a major benefactor.

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  3. Quora’s mission is to share and grow the worlds knowledge. A vast amount of the knowledge that would be valuable to many people is currently only available to a few — either locked in people’s heads, or only accessible to select groups.

  4. When you see a good answer on Quora, upvote it. Your votes help people see good answers and make Quora better. Submit a request. 1. Quora works by having the community ask and answer questions. When you want to know more about something, Quora delivers you answers...

  5. Good answers are very clear to read and understand, even for someone who is reading quickly or skimming the page. It's helpful to include simple formatting that adds structure and helps emphasize key pieces of information. Of course, a good answer needs to have correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

  6. Updated. For now, Space owners and a select group of individual writers in eligible countries can earn as creators in Quora+. Eligibility criteria is subject to change and more creators will be invited to participate as the program grows.

  7. La misión de Quora es compartir y aumentar el conocimiento en el mundo. Hay conocimientos muy valiosos al que gran parte de la población no tiene acceso. Normalmente porque ésta información sólo la saben grupos selectos o expertos en el tema y no son compartidos con la mayoría de la gente.

  8. Jul 16, 2021 · Your writing content & style: If you write personally-identifiable information or in a consistent style while anonymous, you should know that others may directly or programmatically be able to figure out your identity. Notes: As of July 16, 2021, anonymous question asking is no longer supported.

  1. People also search for