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  1. › wiki › BIBSYSBIBSYS - Wikipedia

    BIBSYS is an administrative agency set up and organized by the Ministry of Education and Research in Norway. They provide the exchange, storage and retrieval of data pertaining to research, teaching and learning – historically metadata related to library resources.

  2. BIBSYS is an administrative agency run by the Ministry of Education and Research in Norway. They help organize research data and library metadata. BIBSYS works with all Norwegian universities and university colleges as well as research institutions and the National Library of Norway. [1] [2]

  3. › wiki › BIBSYSBIBSYS – Wikipedia

    BIBSYS en sentral leverandør av produkter og bibliotektjenester primært til institusjoner i universitets- og høyskolesektoren og Nasjonalbiblioteket, samt institusjoner i andre sektorer. Dette utgjør en del av Unit – Direktoratet for IKT og fellestjenester i høyere utdanning og forskning.

  4. Unit was created on January 1, 2018, following a merger of BIBSYS, CERES [Wikidata] and parts of Uninett.

  5. These categories can be used to track, build and organize lists of pages needing "attention " (for example, pages using deprecated syntax), or that may need to be edited at someone's earliest convenience.

  6. › wiki › BIBSYSBIBSYS - Wikipedia

    BIBSYS. BIBSYS is ’n administratiewe agentskap wat gestig is en georganiseer word deur die departement van opvoeding en navorsing in Noorweë. Dit verskaf die uitruiling, berging en herwinning van data oor navorsing en onderwys – histories metadata wat met biblioteekbronne verband hou.

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  8. › wiki › CRIStinCRIStin - Wikipedia

    CRIStin documents all scholarly publications by Norwegian researchers, and complements the BIBSYS database, which focuses on storage and retrieval of data pertaining to research, teaching and learning – historically metadata related to library resources. CRIStin is the first database of its kind worldwide.

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