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  1. A thread to cover the 1970s British TV drama series UFO. Basic plot humans fighting invading aliens using space craft. The military organisation is called SHADO. The HQ is below a film studio...

  2. As I remember, it the early 90's, and featured the kinda sad life of a middle-aged guy, who I think had an ex-wife who his son lived with, and his interactions with people were peppered with snippets from films.

  3. Later the full 13 episodes aired on other networks. There's a bit more on the Wikipedia. If you can get a copy of the DVDs I highly recommend it. They're great!

  4. › wiki ›

    [1] Title: Duck Dodgers [1] URL Source: [1] Description: Captain Duck Edgar Dumas Aloysius Eoghain Dodgers, better ...

  5. Jun 25, 2007 · The season is over (with like 4 more following, starting in a few months) but you can see the reruns on Sci-Fi. I thought it was awesome. I'd love to talk about it in detail but Wiki did such a nice job, I'll just give you a link if you wanna check it out.

  6. This is one of them: It's a Canadian show, and it's only shown in Canada, so hardly anyone has heard of it; but its appeal is global, and I think it's the type of show that reddit would really enjoy.

  7. The Chinese Puzzle is a British six-part children's adventure series, first broadcast on BBC1 in 1974. It was the brainchild of prolific British television writer, Brian Finch, and features "two friends who stumble into a complex plot involving kidnapping and blackmail". [1]

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