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  1. Século -IX - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre. século X a. C. < Século IX a. C. > século VIII a. C. O século IX antes da nosa era comezou o 1 de xaneiro do 900 a. C. e terminou o 31 de decembro do 801 a. C. Acontecementos. Ruínas de Cartago. 900-800 a. C.: Depósito da Ría de Huelva, [ 1] máis de 400 pezas de metalurxia atlántica do Bronce final.

  2. › pt › Século_IXSéculo IX - Wikiwand

    O século IX começou em 1 de janeiro de 801 e terminou em 31 de dezembro de 900. É a chamada "Era dos Normandos", embora na Europa seja o século da união política do Cristianismo em torno da figura de Carlos Magno, rei dos Francos, a principal potência da Europa.

  3. . Século IX. . O artigo principal desta categoría é Século IX. Subcategorías. Esta categoría ten estas 107 subcategorías, dun total de 107. Nados no século IX ‎ (100 C, 22 P) 09. Século IX en Galicia ‎ (1 C, 1 P) 801 ‎ (2 C, 1 P) 802 ‎ (2 C, 1 P) 803 ‎ (2 C, 1 P) 804 ‎ (2 C, 1 P) 805 ‎ (2 C, 1 P) 806 ‎ (2 C, 1 P) 807 ‎ (2 C, 1 P)

  4. The 9th century BC started the first day of 900 BC and ended the last day of 801 BC. It was a period of great change for several civilizations. In Africa, Carthage is founded by the Phoenicians. In Egypt, a severe flood covers the floor of Luxor temple, and years later, a civil war starts. It is the beginning of the Iron Age in Central Europe ...

  5. › wiki › ApiciusApicius - Wikipedia

    Apicius, also known as De re culinaria or De re coquinaria ( On the Subject of Cooking ), is a collection of Roman cookery recipes, which may have been compiled in the fifth century CE, [1] or earlier. Its language is in many ways closer to Vulgar than to Classical Latin, with later recipes using Vulgar Latin (such as ficatum, bullire) added to ...

  6. 825 – 827. Æthelwulf, son of Ecgberht of Wessex, drives Baldred from his Kingdom of Kent, which Æthelwulf then rules as sub-king to his father. 826. After 27 March – Beornwulf of Mercia is killed in battle while attempting to suppress a rebellion by the East Angles and is succeeded by Ludeca. 827.

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