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  1. The terms "king" and "kingship" are common biblical words, occurring over 2, 500 times in the Old Testament and 275 times in the New Testament. The terms are applied not only to human rulers but also to God.

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  3. Mar 24, 2002 · There are four ways that Jesus declares his kingship in this triumphal entry. All of them are Jewish. He was a Jew, and he was fulfilling Jewish promises of a coming king and Messiah.

  4. Dec 30, 2023 · The Meaning of Kingship in the Bible. In the Bible, the definition of a king goes beyond mere political power. A king is seen as the chosen representative of God, acting with divine authority. Kings have the responsibility to lead the nation in accordance with God’s laws and to protect the well-being of their people.

  5. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’

    • Kingship in The Bible
    • The Garden Needs A King
    • The Arrival of The King

    You could argue that the theme of kingship is the central theme in the story of the Bible, the one without which the others simply cannot cohere. The significance of the kingship theme is apparent even in the most common appellation given to Jesus in the New Testament: he is Jesus Christ, which is not (contrary to far too much common misunderstandi...

    But it begins, unsurprisingly, in Eden. In Genesis 1:26–28, God declared that he was going to create human beings as his image and likeness. Both of those words are covenantal in nature, likeness referring to a father-son relationship between God and humans and image referring to humanity’s right and responsibility (by virtue of that father-son rel...

    From that moment, a critical theme in the Bible’s unfolding epic is that people begin to wonder when this promised Savior-King will come, and who it will be. So the recurring question becomes, “Which one of the descendants of Eve will be the one to set everything right?” Is it Cain? No, apparently not. Lamech? Absolutely not. Noah? His father certa...

  6. Dec 22, 2023 · When Jesus is called “King of kings and Lord of lords,” it means that, in the end, all other rulers will be conquered or abolished, and He alone will reign supreme as King and Lord of all the earth. There is no power, no king, and no lord who can oppose Him and win.

  7. Much of the content in the first five books of the Bible (esp. Deuteronomy) is referred to in Kings. The people were supposed to live by God’s word, but the kings and their people failed to do so. In Kings God raises up prophets, most famously Elijah and Elisha, who perform great wonders and speak God’s word to the people.

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