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  1. Rotations are rigid transformations, which means they preserve the size, length, shape, and angle measures of the figure. However, the orientation is not preserved. Line segments connecting the center of rotation to a point on the pre-image and the corresponding point on the image have equal length. The line segments connecting corresponding ...

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  3. Apr 4, 2022 · Ely NORMAL ROM PATIENT'S ROM PAIN Flexion 9f AFrom A“ROM APositive_ 30° Extension AFrom A“ROM Positive 3_0° · Right Rotation AFrom ”“ROM APositive_ Left Rotation 3F ”From A“ROM A Positive 10:51:10 AM 005594 BM NSeecharran Received:4/3/2018 25 of 150 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 05/11/2023 10:00 AM INDEX NO. 509703/2022 NYSCEF DOC ...

  4. are the choice that's description can be defined as follows: It implies we rotate the triangle 900 times clockwise.; The point Z has been on the Positive Y-Axis, rotating this Figure by 1800 will place that on the Negative Y-Axis.

  5. Jan 30, 2021 · Final answer: The transformation rule (x, y) → (–y, x) represents a counterclockwise rotation of 90° around the origin, while the rule (x, y) → (–x, –y) corres…

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