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  1. Apr 12, 2019 · Below, David talks about drama driven relationships, how we become addicted to chaos and drama in relationships, signs of drama addiction, why are we addicted to drama, examples of relationship drama, effective ways to end relationship drama, and what to do about overcoming chaos addiction.

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    • Realize that relationship repair may ultimately not work. The other person may lack insight or refuse to take responsibility for their actions, or lack the ability to engage in self-corrective behavior.
    • Don’t attempt to reason with the unreasonable. The other person's emotional maturity may have been arrested at an earlier age (Gibson, 2015). Due in large part to genetic brain differences, pathological personalities may also lack adaptive personality “tool kits" (Lester, 2021).
    • Manage the relationship; do not engage. Since they may lack adaptive personality tool kits, they may automatically resort to manipulation and drama in their relationships.
    • Be strategic and plan responses well ahead of time. Planning your responses before interactions is an important and tactical way to avoid emotional dramas.
  3. Jul 2, 2024 · Set boundaries. Setting boundaries is always important, but it’s especially important when you’re in a relationship with an adult that thrives on drama. As soon as you notice red flags that there is more than likely going to be drama in your relationship, decide what you will and will not deal with.

    • Realize that relationship repair will not work. Most pathological personalities lack insight. They do not take responsibility for their actions and lack the ability to engage in self-corrective behavior.
    • Don’t attempt to reason with the unreasonable. They exhibit emotional immaturity where their bodies developed fully, but their emotional maturity is arrested at an earlier age (Gibson, 2015).
    • Manage the relationship; do not engage. Since they lack adaptive personality tool kits, they automatically resort to manipulation and drama in relationships.
    • Be strategic and plan responses well ahead of time. Planning your responses before interactions is an important and tactical way to avoid emotional dramas.
  4. May 28, 2020 · Feeling addicted to drama in your romantic relationship can feel like you’re stuck on a never-ending roller coaster: exciting at times, but exhausting and unsustainable. In order to change the patterns that create drama in your relationship, first ask yourself exactly what drama you’re addicted to.

  5. Dec 22, 2017 · The easiest way to avoid drama is to work on your own emotional maturity so that you are way less likely to be in a relationship with a reactive person. As usual, most problems are avoided when you stay on the path of personal growth and integrity.

  6. Aug 17, 2022 · Are you subconsciously looking for chaos in your relationship? Knowing the signs will help you know if you are and, if you want to, figure out how to change it.

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