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      • The school was rated "Good" in its 2014 Ofsted Inspection and the school achieved a 77% 9-4 pass rate at GCSE and a 99% pass rate at A Level in 2018. A further inspection in 2019 maintained the "Good" rating with pupils judged to be making above average progress. › wiki › King_Edward_VI_School,_Bury_St_Edmunds
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  2. Jul 12, 2020 · The number after each school refers to the rank out of 3,181 schools across the country. Stratford Girls' Grammar School - 83; King Edward VI School - 121; Lawrence Sheriff School - 134

  3. Feb 21, 2024 · King Edward VI School review - independent, comparative analysis based on research, on-site evidence and third party reports from the education regulator & visits from WhichSchoolAdvisor consultants.

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    King Edward VI School continues to be a good school.

    Leaders have high expectations for pupils and staff at King Edward VI School. Their ambition is that all pupils will thrive academically and succeed as global citizens in the world around them. Values of well-being, collaboration and aspiration underpin the community. This is a school of many pupils where the focus is the individual child. Staff ge...

    Across all subjects, leaders and teachers have high expectations. They are committed to ensuring that all pupils build knowledge well across all the subjects they study. Lessons are carefully sequenced to build pupils’ understanding over time. Teachers use skilled questioning to ensure that pupils remember what they have learned over time. In subje...

    The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. The school’s culture is focused on keeping pupils safe. Teachers take every opportunity to reinforce messages about how pupils can keep themselves safe through different lessons. Leaders have rightly high expectations that staff will act on the broad range of safeguarding training they receive. An on...

     Processes for commissioning and monitoring alternative provision placements are not yet robust enough. This means that, although pupils are safe and often benefit from the provision, leaders cannot always assure themselves that all pupils get the very best outcomes from their time at the alternative provision. Leaders should sharpen their commiss...

    You can use Ofsted Parent View to give Ofsted your opinion on your child’s school, or to find out what other parents and carers think. We use information from Ofsted Parent View when deciding which schools to inspect, when to inspect them and as part of their inspection. The Department for Education has further guidance on how to complain about a s...

    You can search for published performance information about the school. In the report, ‘disadvantaged pupils’ refers to those pupils who attract government pupil premium funding: pupils claiming free school meals at any point in the last six years and pupils in care or who left care through adoption or another formal route.

    This was the school’s first routine inspection since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Inspectors discussed the impact of the pandemic with leaders and have taken that into account in their evaluation. Inspectors met with the headteacher and other senior leaders. Meetings were held with curriculum leaders and staff from the SEND department. Inspectors a...

  4. King Edward VI School is a leading independent day school in Hampshire, with a long and distinguished history, stretching back more than 465 years. We nurture and support our pupils, so that they flourish and exceed their expectations in their learning, interests, relationships and emotional development.

  5. King Edwards School, Birmingham was founded in 1552 by King Edward VI and to this day provides an academically challenging and intellectually exciting education for bright boys from across the West Midlands. A leading boys’ day school, King Edward’s has around 900 pupils aged from 11 to 18.

  6. Chapel Lane. Stratford-upon-Avon. Warwickshire. CV37 6BE. Head: Mr Bennet Carr. T 01789 293351. F 01789 293564. E W A state school for boys aged from 11 to 18. Boarding: No. Local authority: Warwickshire. Pupils: 791 (670 boys; 121 girls); sixth formers: 344 (223 boys; 121 girls) Religion: None. Open days: June.

  7. The school was rated "Good" in its 2014 Ofsted Inspection [10] and the school achieved a 77% 9-4 pass rate at GCSE and a 99% pass rate at A Level in 2018. [11] A further inspection in 2019 maintained the "Good" rating with pupils judged to be making above average progress.

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