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  1. 1. A chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man. “He behaved like a perfect gentleman”. 2. A man who combines gentle birth or rank with chivalrous qualities. “He’s too much a gentleman to be a scholar”. 3. A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior. “He behaved like a true gentleman.”.

    • Generous. A gentleman is generous with his time, wisdom, and resources. He looks for ways to help others. He is a servant leader, and his commitment to interpersonal kindness creates a positive workplace culture that boosts commitment, engagement, and performance.
    • Positive. A gentleman chooses to be positive. His positivity is contagious, and his consistent encouragement draws others to him. He practices gratitude, which research shows lowers his blood pressure, improves immune function, reduces stress hormones, and facilitates better sleep.
    • Lifelong Learner. A gentleman maintains a teachable posture and actively seeks new challenges. His intellectual curiosity propels him to constantly better himself and his craft through reading, coaching, ongoing education, and time spent with mentors.
    • Civil. A gentleman embraces civility by valuing all people and treating everyone with respect. From the janitor to the CEO, he carefully considers how his behavior and words impact others.
    • Chivalrous. Chivalry isn’t dead. It’s at the top of a gentleman’s qualities because it’s the basis of all he needs to be a “gentleman.” This means he approaches people with respect in every sense.
    • Well-Mannered. Manners aren’t just for the royals. A gentleman must have excellent manners. He knows how to act in social and professional settings. A gentleman is a man who understands that good manners are a sign of strength, not weakness, as it requires stoicism and willpower to restrain our instincts.
    • Considerate. A gentleman is considerate to everyone and strives to treat everyone the same way. He doesn’t lie, he doesn’t cheat in line and he doesn’t treat waiters rudely when his steak is undercooked.
    • Adventurous. The gentlemen of old strived to be thoughtful and worldly. A young man should explore the world and see it for himself so that when he makes important decisions he is making them based on something of substance he has direct experience with, not just repeating something he was told by another.
    • A gentleman is not perfect. Perfection is a noble aim, but the ruthless pursuit of perfection is the enemy. As mentioned, you should not refer to yourself as a gentleman or think you are perfect to embody one.
    • A gentleman is kind above all else. Whatever you are doing in life, you should constantly guide yourself with kindness to others. Bringing attention to yourself is something you do with caution, skill, and taste.
    • A gentleman is principled but self-aware. Unless you walked on water or turned water into wine (if only... ,) then you know you are not perfect and admit your shortcomings honestly.
    • A gentleman knows the difference between fashion and style. Wasting more than 20% of your wardrobe spend on seasonal trends is not how a gentleman established his reputation as a stylish man.
    • Leave the Bottom Button of Your Suit Jacket Unbuttoned. This strange but common fashion practice originated in the turn of the 20th century with British monarch King Edward VII.
    • Hold the Door Open. Okay, so the origins of door-opening may not be as chivalrous as their modern implications would lead you to believe. In medieval and renaissance times, high status women most commonly wore large skirts and tight-fitting corsets, making movement difficult and door-opening virtually impossible.
    • Arrive (Anywhere) On Time. Once upon a time, there was a world in which the concept of “fashionably late” did not dare exist. In fact, in the good old days, arriving late was just flat-out rude–always.
    • Master the Art of First Impressions. Though the origins of the nuances of introductions and first impressions are unclear, it has long been understood that a good first impression is a lasting one, and that you must master the art of first impressions–because you only get one.
  2. Oct 18, 2017 · 7 Interesting Habits & Traits Of A True Gentleman. When you hear the word "gentleman" your mind probably goes to three descriptors: respectful, caring, and considerate. A gentleman is someone you ...

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