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    • 1. used in reference to an activity, cause, etc. that is currently fashionable or popular and attracting increasing support: "the environmental bandwagon is feeling mighty crowded"
    • 2. (especially formerly) a wagon used for carrying a band in a parade or procession: "the colorful bandwagon was later purchased for use in circus parades"
  2. BANDWAGON definition: 1. an activity, group, movement, etc. that has become successful or fashionable and so attracts…. Learn more.

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    • Overview
    • The Bandwagon Effect and Cognitive Biases
    • Bandwagon Examples
    • What Impact Does It Have?
    • Factors that Influence the Bandwagon Effect
    • Risks of the Bandwagon Effect
    • How to Avoid the Bandwagon Effect

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    Have you ever gotten into a hobby—like pickleball, breadmaking, or nine-step skincare routines—just because it seemed like everyone else was doing it? Even if it's something you're not naturally drawn to, the sudden popularity might leave you wondering what all the hype is about.

    Everyone else is doing it, so it must be worth doing, right? It can leave you feeling like if you don't at least give it a try, you'll end up missing out on some important, shared cultural phenomenon.

    If you've ever jumped on a trend (whether due to FOMO, peer pressure, or something else), you've experienced an example of what psychologists call the bandwagon effect.

    The bandwagon effect refers to the tendency of people to adopt certain behaviors, styles, or attitudes simply because everyone else is doing it. The more people adopt a particular trend, the more likely it becomes that other people will also hop on the bandwagon. 

    At a Glance

    The bandwagon effect is part of a larger group of cognitive biases or errors in thinking that influence the judgments and decisions that people make. Cognitive biases are often designed to help people think and reason more quickly, but they often introduce miscalculations and mistakes.

    Below are some examples of the Bandwagon Effect:

    •Diets: When everyone seems to adopt a particular fad diet, people become more likely to try it themselves.

    •Elections: People are more likely to vote for the candidate they think is winning.

    •Fashion: Fashion trends seem to be particularly vulnerable to the bandwagon effect. They also tend to be fleeting. Just as one trend takes hold, others quickly become outdated and relegated to the back of our closets.

    •Music: As more and more people begin listening to a particular song or musical group, it becomes more likely that other individuals will listen as well.

    •Social networks: Trends on social media sites can involve recreating specific types of posts or sharing certain types of content. The bandwagon effect can also influence how posts are shared and interactions within online groups.

    The bandwagon effect shows why we shouldn't always let popular opinion dictate what is right. Sometimes things that are good for the majority of people, aren't right for everyone.

    Just because wide-leg pants are considered fashionable at the moment, for example, doesn't mean that they are flattering or comfortable for all body types and shapes.

    Evaluating yourself based on what is considered popular now can also harm your self-esteem and prevent you from achieving your full potential. Just because you enjoy something that isn't popular or has an interest many others don't seem to share does not mean those activities are not worth pursuing.

    The zeitgeist is constantly shifting. What's "in" today can just as easily be "out" tomorrow.

    Fashions and pop culture phenomena aren't the only passing trends affected by the bandwagon effect. Research has shown that the effect can also influence the decisions made by doctors, therapists, and other healthcare professionals.

    The authors of one study suggest that rush to prescribe ketamine to treat depression without fully understanding how or why it works is an example of a current psychiatric fad influenced by the bandwagon effect.

    So, why exactly does the bandwagon effect occur? Individuals are highly influenced by the pressure and norms exerted by groups. When it seems like the majority of the group is doing a certain thing, not doing that thing becomes increasingly difficult.

    It's a natural tendency for people to follow along with the rest of the group. Sometimes, we do it because we feel pressured. In other cases, we compare ourselves to others and then try to change to be more like the group. Hopping on trends can even play a role in helping us bond with others.

    This pressure to fit in can impact many different aspects of behavior, from what people wear to who they vote for in political elections.

    Some of the factors that can influence the bandwagon effect include:

    The impact of these bandwagon trends is often relatively harmless, such as in fashion, music, or pop culture fads. Sometimes they can be far more dangerous.

    When certain ideas begin to take hold, such as particular attitudes toward health issues, bandwagon beliefs can have serious and damaging consequences.

    Some negative or even dangerous examples of the bandwagon effect:

    •Individuals who were influenced by the anti-vaccination movement, for example, became less likely to get routine childhood immunizations for their children. This large-scale avoidance of vaccinations has been linked to a recent measles outbreak.

    •Researchers have found that when people learn that a particular candidate is leading in the polls, they are more likely to change their vote to conform to the winning side. In one study carried out during the 1992 U.S. presidential election, students who learned that Bill Clinton was leading the race in some polls switched their intended vote from Bush to Clinton.

    While the bandwagon effect can have potentially dangerous consequences in some cases, it can also lead to adopting healthy behaviors. If it seems that the majority of people reject unhealthy behaviors (such as smoking) and embrace healthy choices (such as exercising and working out), people may then become more likely to avoid risky choices and engage in healthy actions.

    Be Wary of Simple Solutions

    Bandwagons often offer simple solutions for complex problems. They often claim to work for everyone all of the time and are often touted by charismatic gurus who may lack the necessary expertise and experience to back up their claims.

    Seek Diverse Information

    Don't listen to a single source when evaluating information. Seek out a range of data and opinions, including alternative or contrary views.

    Recognize Cognitive Dissonance

    Recognizing that you've fallen prey to the bandwagon effect can be rough. Sometimes, you might feel a bit foolish that you jumped on a short-lived trend. Or you might feel duped because you spent money on products or services that made false promises. In either case, letting go once the trend has lost appeal or popularity isn't always easy. You might have mixed feelings about letting go of something that feels familiar and comfortable. Or it might seem like you need to stick with it since you've already invested so much into it—an example of the sunk costs fallacy. When letting go of a long-held practice or belief that was adopted due to the bandwagon effect, it can be helpful to remember that you're likely to experience feelings of discomfort and cognitive dissonance when change happens. Give yourself time to adapt to changes—and be careful to avoid replacing old gimmicks with new ones.

  4. Bandwagon definition: a wagon, usually large and ornately decorated, for carrying a musical band while it is playing, as in a circus parade or to a political rally.. See examples of BANDWAGON used in a sentence.

  5. Jun 29, 2023 · The bandwagon effect is when people start doing something because everybody else seems to be doing it. The bandwagon effect can be attributed to psychological, social, and...

  6. A bandwagon is a trend that is so cool everyone wants to get in on it. If you start wearing a flowerpot on your head because everyone else is, you’ve jumped on a strange fashion bandwagon. Originally, a bandwagon was a large wagon that did indeed carry a band.

  7. The bandwagon effect is a psychological phenomenon where people adopt certain behaviors, styles, or attitudes simply because others are doing so. More specifically, it is a cognitive bias by which public opinion or behaviours can alter due to particular actions and beliefs rallying amongst the public. [2]

  8. Definition of Bandwagon. Bandwagon is a persuasive technique and a type of propaganda through which a writer persuades his readers, so that the majority could agree with the argument of the writer. He does this by suggesting that, since the majority agrees, the reader should too.

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