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  1. What Is The Original Fudge Recipe? - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Sweet Crunchy Mustard Chicken
    Originally from Food and Wine, 01/03, I found it posted on Cooking Light Board. Below is the review given by another poster. It has become a regular at my house and I'm always delighted when my very selective husband requests more. I make mine with bone-in, skin-on breasts and panko crumbs. You can whip together the ingredients and prep the chicken while your oven heats up. **This is one of those "Why don't I make this more often??" recipes. It's easy, delicious, uses what most of us have on hand. The chicken is tender, a little sweet, a little savory, very moist. The original calls for bone-in, skin-on breasts. I use boneless, skinless. The chicken is cooked so quickly at a high temperature that the chicken doesn't dry out. I do have to fudge a bit to get the crunchiness- which gets lost without the fatty skin: I spray the outside with cooking spray after sprinkling on the crumb mixture. Using Panko or cornmeal instead of bread crumbs would up the crunch quotient even more, I'll bet.**
    Cheesecake Factory's Oreo Dream Extreme Cheesecake
    Just earlier this year, Cheesecake Factory released their new Oreo Dream Extreme Cheesecake, featuring a layer of chocolate fudge cake, chocolate icing, oreo cheesecake, oreo mousse, and more chocolate icing. By combining a few different recipes, including a few by Todd Wilbur, I was able to come up with a clone that tasted just like the original. The only difference was that, instead of spreading an extra layer of chocolate icing on top, I made a chocolate ganache. I've included the recipe for it and will let you decide what to spread on top. While this recipe is certainly time consuming, it's definitely well worth it and will be SURE to impress any company! :-)