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  1. Mar 30, 2007 · Why does Ilsa choose Rick over Laszlo and “the cause,” preferring to stay with Rick rather than leave with her husband? Why does Rick arrange Laszlo’s escape at great risk to himself, after having repeatedly said that he won’t stick his neck out for anybody?

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    1. Overall Story Signpost 1Residents and police learn of the murdered German couriers, Strasser learns of the murderer; Rick learns of the Letters of Transit and that Ugarte killed the couriers; Rick learns of the upcoming arrest in his club and that Laszlo is in Casablanca. 2. Overall Story Journey 1 from Learning to UnderstandingThe optimistic Laszlos arrive at Rick’s and meet disappointment—Ugarte’s been arrested and Strasser’s waiting for them instead.


    1. Overall Story Signpost 2Laszlo understands that Renault won’t sign exit visas unless he gives Strasser names of Underground leaders; Strasser understands the depth of Laszlo’s conviction:LASZLO If I didn’t give them to you in a concentration camp where you had more persuasive methods at your disposal, I certainly won’t give them to you now. Ilsa and Laszlo understand the difficulty of getting Letters of Transit now that Ugarte’s dead. 2. Overall Story Journey 2 from Understanding to DoingD...


    1. Overall Story Signpost 3Yvonne dates a Nazi who gets in a fight with a French officer, leading to the France vs. Germany singing contest. When Laszlo leads the Marseillaise, Strasser shuts down Rick’s club. 2. Overall Story Journey 3 from Doing to ObtainingFeeling more pressure from Strasser, both of the Laszlos ask Rick to save the other. Recognizing true love, Rick figures out what’s best for everyone.


    1. Main Character Signpost 1Ex-girlfriend Yvonne asks the cynical Rick where he was last night:RICK That’s so long ago, I don’t remember. Renault probes Rick’s memories:RENAULT I’ve often speculated on why you don’t return to America. Did you abscond with the church funds? Did you run off with the Senator’s wife? I’d like to think that you killed a man. It’s the romantic in me. 2. Main Character Journey 1 from Memory to PreconsciousWhile possessing a shady reputation and on the run himself, R...


    1. Main Character Signpost 2Rick storms out of the casino into the bar when he hears Sam playing “As Time Goes By.” He snaps at Sam:RICK Sam, I thought I told you never to play it! Rick goes on a drinking binge, then lashes out at Ilsa when she comes to explain Paris. 2. Main Character Journey 2 from Preconscious to ConsciousWhile bitter at Ilsa’s reopening of old wounds, Rick’s scrupulous enough to refuse to consider Ferrari’s offer of making profit off Ugarte’s crime.


    1. Main Character Signpost 3Ilsa gives Rick something to think about when she tells him she’s married to Laszlo; the Bulgarian bride causes Rick to think about love and he lets her win at roulette; Rick won’t consider Laszlo’s offer to buy the Letters. 2. Main Character Journey 3 from Conscious to SubconsciousHis heart melted by Ilsa once more declaring her love for him, Rick agrees to get Laszlo out.


    1. Influence Character Signpost 1Upon recognizing Sam, Ilsa knows Rick’s nearby. She pressures Sam:ILSA Where is Rick? [...] When will he be back? [...] Does he always leave so early? 2. influence Character Journey 1 from Present to ProgressTaken aback that Rick’s no longer the man she used to know and love, Ilsa concentrates on trying to effect Laszlo’s escape.


    1. Influence Character Signpost 2Ilsa’s quest for the Letters of Transit suffers a setback with news of Ugarte’s death, but moves forward again when she learns from Ferrari that Rick has them. 2. Influence Character Journey 2 from Progress to FutureThe way Rick is acting, Ilsa gives up trying to explain her past actions to him until he cynically remarks that, in the future, she will probably do the same to Victor as she had done to him:RICK . . . you’ll lie to Laszlo . . . ILSA No, Rick. You...


    1. Influence Character Signpost 3Strasser tells Ilsa that there are three options for Laszlo’s future: a concentration camp, “safe” passage back to Occupied France, or death in Casablanca; Ilsa tells Laszlo that whatever she may do in the future, it’s because she loves him. 2. Influence Character Journey 3 from Future to PastResorting to violence but unable to hurt Rick, Ilsa breaks down and falls in love with him again.


    1. Relationship Story Signpost 1When they meet again in Rick’s club, Rick and Ilsa pretend they’re only acquaintances; Rick pretends he can relive his life with Ilsa in Paris; on that last day in Paris, Ilsa acts as if she will marry Rick. 2. Relationship Story Journey 1 from Being to BecomingAs his attitude softens toward Ilsa, Rick shows signs of changing from a bitter, jilted lover into a "rank sentimentalist."


    1. Relationship Story Signpost 2Seeing a parallel between the sad love story of refugee Annina and that of Ilsa, Rick has a change of heart and lets the newlyweds win money for exit visas. 2. Relationship Story Journey 2 from Becoming to ConceivingIlsa swallows her pride and approaches Rick for the Letters, but their trading of barbs gets her nowhere and she needs to think of a different line of attack.


    1. Relationship Story Signpost 3Ilsa comes up with the idea of using a gun to get the Letters of Transit from Rick; she can’t conceive of leaving him again and asks him to do the thinking. 2. Relationship Story Journey 3 from Conceiving to ConceptualizingFalling back in love with Rick, Ilsa throws herself and Laszlo at his mercy and asks him to come up with an idea that they can immediately implement to resolve all of their dilemmas.

  2. Ilsa is fiercely loyal to her husband, Laszlo, and the political cause—resistance to the Nazis—he represents, but the truth of her sentiments is constantly suspect. She claims to love Laszlo, but she also claims to be in love with Rick, both in Paris and in Casablanca.

  3. Ilsa claims she had to stay in Paris back then with the injured Laszlo. She didn't tell Rick the truth because she feared he'd stick around in Paris to be near her and get captured by the Nazis. She tells him now that she's his forever and she'll give up her husband.

  4. After things calm down, Laszlo enters the bar with Ilsa. They have come in search of exit visas. Strasser approaches Laszlo with hostility, and Louis politely requests that Laszlo report to his office the next day.

  5. Ilsa's arrival in Casablanca is the catalyst that peels away Rick's layers of anger and resentment, and exposes the "sentimentalist" and fighter within. He goes from being famously neutral to vehemently taking a side, rediscovering his inner rebel with the help of Ilsa and Victor Laszlo.

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  7. Jun 10, 2017 · The "answer" is physical passion as a way of forgetting both personal and global troubles. The sexual bond between Ilsa and Rick is alluded to several times in the movie, and is the primary obstacle that must be transcended for them to embrace the moral choice that ends the movie.

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