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  1. Jul 22, 2011 · Jason Zweig wondered about two quotations attributed to Keynes: “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir” and “The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”

  2. Unanswered. So for anyone unfamiliar, "Change my Mind" is a series of Youtube Videos by Stephen Crowder where he's basically going to the streets with an often controversial statement and inviting people to sit down and have a civilised discussion.

  3. Aug 4, 2015 · John Maynard Keynes is often quoted as saying: “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” This seems a rather minimal standard of intellectual honesty, even if one no longer...

    • John Kay
  4. Dec 26, 2023 · I changed my mind, about a lot things. The process sure wasn’t pleasant. It took more sleepless nights than I care to recall, but I was able to revise some of my core beliefs. I didn’t realize it...

    • Barriers to Change
    • The Comfort Zone
    • “Things Will Get better.”
    • “Change Is Too hard.”
    • “My ______ Might Not Like Me If I Change.”
    • “A Change May Make Things worse.”
    • “I Don’T Know What to do.”
    • “I Changed My mind.”

    What is keeping you from changing? Is there an area of your life where a change could do you good? Are you in a dead end job? Are you facing an empty nest or contemplating retirement and unsure of how to move on to the next phase of your life? Do you have a relationship on life support that desperately needs to be revived? Do you want to start doin...

    The first barrier to change is our old friend, the Comfort Zone. The pull of habit is a powerful force to keep us in the status quo. As the old saying goes, “The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.” Often it is easier to put up with the situation than it is to change . . . or so it seems. But little by little, small things add u...

    This is a lie the Comfort Zone frequently whispers in our ear. Truthfully, sometimes things doget better. But if they aren’t better by tomorrow, or at least by next week, seriously consider if you really believe things will get better on their own. This thought that things could be better can actually be your first step towards making a change for ...

    Indeed, we usually perceive change as difficult — that’s what the Comfort Zone is all about. And because our perception is our reality, change becomes hard for us. However, if you change the perception, you change the reality. One way to do this is to dispute this negative belief. Here are 4 questions you can use to dispute negative thinking: 1. Wh...

    Fill in the blank: wife / husband / family / friends / boss / employees / co-workers, etc. etc. With this statement, you are basing current behavior on a future outcome that may or may not be true. The fact is that some people may prefer the “old you”, especially if the change makes you more independent, or gets you out from under their control. Bu...

    That may be true. But it may not be true. You can’t say with 100% certainty, either way. A change may make things better. Thatmay be true, but it may not be. You can’t say with 100% certainty, either way. But . . . which statement serves you better? Usually, it’s that “a change may make things better”. Now, since you can’t say with 100% certainty t...

    Well, you now know 5 things to help you get started on your road to change. What is your first step? How can you begin to say, “I changed my mind”?

    “All things are created twice,” Dr. Stephen Covey tells us in The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. The first creation is mental, created in the mind. [Covey] If you are perfectly happy and content with your life (the second creation), then you don’t need to change. But if there are areas where you want to improve, parts of your life that could ...

  5. May 21, 2024 · I was afraid to change my mind because I knew it would mean losing the sense of safety and security that this community had provided all my life. But it was also about seeing my sense of...

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  7. Apr 30, 2018 · Powerful thoughts change the world, once they reach a certain consistent intensity. The true test is whether your thoughts are powerful enough to change your own actions.