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  1. Construite au nord de la Serbie centrale, au confluent d'une rivière, la Save, et d'un fleuve, le Danube ; la capitale de la Serbie se trouve ainsi à la limite entre deux espaces géographiques : la plaine pannonienne, qui fait partie de l’Europe de l'Est, et la péninsule des Balkans [9].

  2. La Serbie est composée de deux ensembles distincts. Au nord, la Voïvodine (en serbe : Војводина et Vojvodina), se trouve dans la grande plaine de Pannonie, qui est géographiquement située en Europe centrale. La Voïvodine est séparée de la Serbie centrale par la Save et le Danube.

    • History of The Capital City of Serbia
    • Geography and Climate of Serbia's Capital City
    • Education in The Capital of Serbia
    • Transport and Communication in The Capital of Serbia

    Belgrade is among the oldest extant cities in Europe and has been inhabited since the 6th millennium BC. The city was the inhabited by the Vinca Culture between the 58th and 45th centuries BC. The city was once known as Sigidun, a name it obtained after the Celts conquered it in 279 BC. The Romans later conquered the city during Emperor Augustus’ r...

    Belgrade is situated in the northern region of Serbia, on the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. The oldest part of the city is found on the right banks of the rivers while the New Belgrade is found on the left banks of the rivers. The city is situated at an elevation of 383 feet above sea level. The Kosmaj Mountains and the Avala Mountains ...

    Belgrade is home to some of the best learning institutions in Serbia. There are about 195 elementary schools and 85 secondary schools in Belgrade. The city has two public universities including the University of Belgrade. Established in 1808, the University of Belgrade is the oldest institution of higher learning in Serbia. The university has an en...

    As the capital city of Serbia, Belgrade has the best transport and communication facilities in the country. The headquarters of Serbia’s national broadcaster, Radio Television Serbia (RTS) are based in Belgrade. Another leading broadcaster in Serbia, RTV Pink is also based in Belgrade. 1Prva, a top Serbian media company, is based in the city. There...

    • Joyce Chepkemoi
  3. · fr · vidi-srbijuBelgrade - Serbia

    En 1841, Belgrade devient la capitale de la Serbie. La ville bénéficie d’une position privilégiée – elle est située au confluent de deux grands cours d’eau – la Save et le Danube – dont les rives sont transformées en promenades populaires et bien aménagées, regorgeant de parcs, mais aussi de restaurants et de cafés qui se ...

    • Belgrade Fortress and Kalemegdan Park. The Belgrade Fortress, also known as Kalemegdan, is a historical complete. The fortress is situated at the confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers.
    • Knez Mihailova Street. Knez Mihailova Street is one of the most famous and iconic streets in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. Named after Prince Mihailo Obrenović III, a significant figure in Serbian history, it is a pedestrian zone and the main commercial street in the city’s historic center.
    • Skadarlija. Skadarlija is a vintage, bohemian street located in the Old Town of Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia. Often compared to the Montmartre quarter in Paris, Skadarlija, also known as Skadarska Street, is one of the main tourist attractions in the city, famous for its charming cobblestone path, lined with well-preserved buildings from the 19th century.
    • St. Sava Temple. The Temple of Saint Sava is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world. The church is dedicated to Saint Sava, the founder of the Serbian Orthodox Church and an important figure in medieval Serbia.
  4. Belgrade est la plus grande ville et la capitale de la Serbie. Au recensement de 2011, la ville intra muros comptait 1 233 796 habitants et, avec le district dont elle est le centre, appelé ville de Belgrade, 1 687 132 habitants en 2017, cela représente 24 % de la population totale de Serbie.

  5. Belgrade (en serbe cyrillique Београд et en alphabet serbe latin Beograd) est la capitale et la plus grande ville de Serbie. Selon le recensement de 2002, la ville proprement dite comptait 1 281 801 habitants et, avec le district dont elle est le centre, 1 576 124 habitants.

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