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  1. Suguru specializes in domestic and cross-border investments, M&A transactions, shareholders meetings, and general corporate transactions. He is adept at providing advice and support in a client-friendly and practical manner gained from his experience on secondment with two major corporations.

  2. Research Assistant. Jun 2023 - Present 8 months. Arlington, Texas, United States. •Multiple rigid body formation flight project. - Development, simulation, and implementation of Virtual rigid body...

    • The University of Texas at Arlington
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    —Gojo Satoru to Okkotsu Yuuta, Chapter 0.4

    SatoSugu is the slash ship between Gojo Satoru and Getō Suguru from the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom.


    During a period known as their blue spring of youth, Geto and Gojo attended Tokyo Jujutsu High together. Despite their conflicting philosophies, they became best friends and often fought together in battle. A wedge was driven into their relationship after both boys failed to protect Amanai Riko from death. Geto spiraled down as he questioned his path as a jujutsu sorcerer, while Gojo grew immensely stronger and killed Fushiguro Toji, Amanai's murderer. They grew further apart until Geto defected from Tokyo Jujutsu High with the goal of killing all non-sorcerers and eventually became "the worst curse user." Gojo took no action against him for close to a decade. Although Gojo ultimately killed Geto, they had one last heartfelt conversation beforehand. A little less than a year later, Kenjaku successfully used Geto's appearance to trap Gojo within the Prison Realm. He did so by reminding the latter man of his three years of blue spring, which caused the sealing condition to be met. Once freed from the Prison Realm, Gojo teleported to Kenjaku to self-admittedly put Geto's body to rest. When Sukuna intervened and became the main adversary, Gojo proposed to delay the fight, suggesting December 24. An act that Kenjaku mocked as "romantic" as it is the day Gojo killed Geto and a well-known day for romance in Japan. On the day of the fight, Gojo, beaten by Sukuna, returns to the blue spring of his youth and sees Geto before his death. There, he tells Geto about his troubles and exciting battle against Sukuna. When Geto expressed feeling a little jealous, Gojo quickly reassured Geto that he was irreplaceable to him. Gojo passes away with a smile. Eventually, Geto's body ends up being recovered by Okkotsu Yuta, who had been targeted by Geto in the past, but had already promised himself that he wouldn't let his teacher go through the pain of killing his best friend again.

    Cursed Child Arc

    While on a mission to exorcise curses from a shopping center, Okkotsu Yuta and Inumaki Toge unexpectedly encounter a very powerful curse. Upon the successful completion of their mission, Geto is shown talking about how he wanted to see Rika-chan, the curse haunting Okkotsu. The worm-like curse accompanying him spits out Okkotsu's student ID card. Back at the college, Kiyotaka Ichiji apologizes to Gojo as the auxiliary manager who had accompanied Okkotsu and Inumaki. The white-haired sorcerer says it wasn't his fault, as someone else had interfered with the mission: Geto Suguru, who Gojo calls "the worst kind of jujutsu sorcerer." Geto helps a young woman by absorbing the curse that had been terrorizing her. He calls her mother “Satou,” but the older woman corrects him that her name is actually “Saito." Geto dismisses her and insists upon her name being Satou. After the mother-daughter duo leaves, Geto gathers his "family," announcing that it is time to bring about the age of jujutsu sorcerers. The first step is to destroy Tokyo Jujutsu High, the cornerstone of the jujutsu world. Back at the school, Principal Yaga voices his doubts over Geto’s involvement. Gojo reaffirms that he's sure, as there is no way he'd mistake the scent of his former friend's curse power. Almost immediately after, Geto arrives at Tokyo Jujutsu High. He introduces himself to Okkotsu and tries to persuade the boy to join him in killing all non-jujutsu sorcerers. Gojo arrives and tells the curse-user to quit pushing his inane ideas onto his students. Geto greets him enthusiastically, but Gojo only tells him to get away from the children. Geto proclaims that he came to declare war. He goes on to explain that he will release 1,000 curses in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and 1,000 curses in Kyoto on the 24th of December. Nanako interrupts by exclaiming that the crêpe café she and Mimiko wanted to visit is closing soon, so Geto and his "family" begin to leave. Gojo tries to stop him, but the curse-user manages to get away by threatening the lives of the students. In reality, Geto's actual plan was to have his "family" stall for time while he killed Okkotsu and took control of Rika for himself, at which point he'd use Rika to wipe everyone else out. The curse-user attacks Tokyo Jujutsu High, severely wounding Maki, Panda, and Inumaki in the process. This provokes Okkotsu into going all-out against Geto, and he ultimately leaves the curse-user in critical condition, although the latter manages to beat a hasty retreat. Later, Gojo finds Geto in a narrow alleyway. The curse-user asks after his "family," and speculates that Gojo purposefully sent Panda and Inumaki to get brutally defeated by him, in order to trigger Okkotsu's explosion. The white-haired sorcerer answers that his family all made it out safe. Gojo confirms that he sent Panda and Inumaki for the reason the curse-user suspected, as he trusted that Geto would not kill any of his students. The latter man is surprised to hear such sentiments directed at him. The curse-user also decides to return Okkotsu's student ID at this moment. The white-haired sorcerer asks for Geto's last words; the other man responds by saying that he never hated anyone from Jujutsu High. It was just that it was impossible for him to be happy in a world like the one they lived in. Gojo calls the black-haired man by his first name, "Suguru." He then says something that is not revealed to the reader, with Geto responding by blushing and saying "At least curse at me a little at the very end…" In the same panel as Geto's last response, a "splurting" sound effect is written. It is implied that Gojo killed Geto here. This is confirmed later in the main story. When Gojo returns Okkotsu's student ID to the boy, the white-haired sorcerer mentions that the one who found it was his one and only best friend.

    Shibuya Incident Arc

    On October 31, 2018, Satoru Gojo arrives in Shibuya, where he is met by Jogo, Hanami, and Choso. The three attack him, and the battle unfolds. Gojo manages to kill Hanami and 1000 of the mutated people, as he notices a Prison Realm cube on the floor. The gate opens, and a person calls to Gojo addressing him by the first name. Shocked, Gojo turns and sees Suguru Geto in flesh. The person has Geto’s face and talks to him as if he knows Satoru in person, the entity mentions that it is been a while since they last met. Stunned Gojo starts remembering the day he killed his friend. He wonders if this is really happening and who is standing in front of him, whether that person is “fake” Geto or if it is a transformation technique. Suddenly Gojo remembers the three years of his youth as images of the past start flooding his mind. As Gojo stands there unable to move, a minute passes, and he is seized. The Imposter in Geto’s body chides Gojo for letting his mind “wander during a fight”. The sorcerer asks him about his real identity, but Geto’s imposter insists on being Suguru, mockingly accusing Satoru of having forgotten him. Gojo is not convinced: even though his Six Eyes tell him that the body and the cursed energy of the person in front of him must belong to no other person but Suguru, he does not believe his perception, it cannot be him, as Gojo’s soul knows it to be untrue. As Gojo insists on learning the truth, he becomes more agitated and shouts at the person in front of him. The imposter removes the stitch and takes off the top of his head to show the brain inside, as he admits to be an ancient entity who possesses a cursed technique that allows it to switch bodies and use the innate technique contained within the original body. Pseudo-Geto informs Gojo that him obtaining this body is a direct consequence of Gojo’s own actions, as he did not let Shoko Ieiri get rid of Suguru’s body properly. The entity says that he cannot let Gojo get in the way of his plans, that is why he will spend a hundred or a thousand years sealed away. The imposter bids Gojo goodnight and expresses hope for meeting him in the new world he will create. Gojo replies saying that it might be good night for him, but for Suguru Geto it is time to wake up. He appeals to the remains of his friend’s consciousness left in this vessel and reproaches him for letting somebody else use his body. All of a sudden, Geto’s right arm grabs himself by the throat and tries to strangle himself. The imposter starts laughing, noting it is the first time something like that happened. He adds that he has access to memories after obtaining the body, which would have been impossible, had the soul left the body after its physical death. Mahito and Pseudo-Geto start philosophizing, and Gojo asks them to hurry up as he does not enjoy looking at the two. Glancing down at seized Gojo, Geto’s imposter admits that he actually enjoys the view himself and closes the gate. After the events in Shibuya, news about Suguru Geto being alive broke, his “survival” is confirmed, and he is sentenced to death again. Despite Gojo getting sealed by “Geto”, higher-ups suspect him of having been Geto’s accomplice all these years after Geto's "death". They believe Gojo and Geto faked the latter’s death, and caused the Shibuya incident. For that, Gojo is permanently exiled from the jujutsu world, and removing the seal from his prison is considered a criminal act.

    Hidden Inventory Arc

    •Geto expresses his concern and appreciation for his friend, like when he notices that Gojo was planning on pulling a second all-nighter to maintain his neutral Limitless technique in Okinawa. After they return to Tokyo Jujutsu High, Geto thanks Gojo for his hard work. •When Gojo gets stabbed by Toji, Geto sends out a curse and rushes to his friend's side. He only leaves after the other boy reassures him in detail. •After Toji kills Riko and confronts Geto, the latter is further enraged by news of Gojo's alleged death. •After Gojo recovers Amanai's body, he asks Geto if they should kill all of the Children of the Star cultists. He refrains from doing so after the other boy responds that there would be no meaning to it. •Later on, when Gojo confronts Geto in Shinjuku, he adopts the philosophy his friend previously held, claiming that there is no meaning in killing all non-sorcerers. •Both Gojo and Geto inherited what was left of Toji after his death: Gojo took in his children, Megumi and Tsumiki, while Geto got possession of his other “child”, a worm-like cursed spirit that called Geto “mother”. •Geto’s execution order was issued right after the village massacre; Gojo had been postponing the task for 10 years after that.

    Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Arc

    •In a private conversation with Yuta Okkotsu, Gojo says that he has a personal theory about love being the most twisted curse. •In the same light novel, when Geto leaves the college after notifying everyone about The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, Gojo watches the "shape of his soul" (夏油の魂の形 in the original text) as he departs. •The Jujutsu Kaisen 0 light novel mentions that Gojo's inability to help his only friend led him to become a teacher. •In their final scene together, Geto tells Gojo that in this world he cannot really laugh from the bottom of his heart. Gojo's final words to Geto are unknown, but whatever he said made the other man laugh for the last time in his life. •In chapter 0.4, Gojo tells Yuta that Geto is the only best friend he’s ever had. Notably, Gojo uses the present tense in the original Japanese panel, despite the fact that they've been separated for close to a decade, on top of the fact that Geto is now dead. By contrast, Geto refers to Gojo as his best friend in the past tense during Chapter 112.

    Shibuya Incident Arc

    •While discussing their strategy to immobilize Gojo in order to seal him, curse Jogo says, “Even a thousand measly human lives wouldn’t be enough to distract him!” It turns out to be true; Gojo mercilessly kills a thousand mutated people, but Geto’s appearance stupefies him and leads to his defeat. •Geto's appearance was what sparked three years' worth of youthful memories for Gojo. This causes the sealing condition of the Prison Realm to be met, trapping Gojo. •Although his Six Eyes indicate that the one before him is Geto Suguru, Gojo claims that his soul knows otherwise. •Gojo refused to send Geto’s body to Shoko Ieiri for an autopsy (and subsequent cremation). •When Geto’s body reacts to Gojo’s words addressing him, Geto’s imposter notices that it is the first time when it disobeyed him. •When Mei Mei meets Pseudo-Geto, she wonders why he is still alive and whether he and Gojo have been conspiring and working together all this time (although, she discards that thought).

    • Shame On Me | Avicii, vocals by Audra Mae & Sterling Fox

    Shame on Me is one of the two songs that mangaka Gege Akutami put on the list of Gojo's theme songs. Many fans relate the bittersweet lyrics to Gojo and Geto's relationship.

    • Come Back Home | Two Door Cinema Club

    Come Back Home is one of the two songs that mangaka Gege Akutami put on the list of Geto's theme songs. Many fans find the song to be reminiscent of Gojo's reaction to Geto's defection, and their confrontation in Shinjuku (aka the "KFC breakup").

    • Alone Tonight | munnrai (Satoshi Murai), vocals by Bonnie Strange

    The song was written specifically for an official Gojo/Geto cetric promotional video displayed at Shinjuku station in Tokyo. The video presents a sequence of manga panels featuring the Strongest Duo, some of the backgrounds are colored red (for Geto) and blue (for Gojo). It is set to an upbeat, but, according to Murai himself, a "mysterious" song. The song has only one line, sampled from song Alone Tonight by Yellow Claw, Ibranovski, €URO TRA$H; the line is being chanted repeatedly:

    It is the most written ship for both Gojo and Geto under the fandom’s manga and anime tags on Archive of Our Own, and the most written ship in the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom tag on the whole. SatoSugu has also been on the list of Top 100 Tumblr Ships for consecutive years.

    There are two version of Satoru and Suguru ship version, SatoSugu(五夏) and SuguSato(夏五). Five Summer is SatoSugu and Summer Five is SuguSato. Unfortunately, There is no day of SatoSugu day because preventing some misunderstanding day and pair position issues with SuguSato day so that some fans artist collaborate to held the event to celebrate SatoSugu day but not exactly date. On, July 25th, the day is "Sugusato day" not "SatoSugu day". When you celebrate the day of the ships (SatoSugu or Sugusato), some of fans artist suggest to not use the hastag which is contains 五(for Satoru) and 夏(Suguru). "夏五の日” and vice versa is prohibited. You can read the explanation here. Therefore, if you celebrate "Sugusato" day (25th July), use hastag #Happy725 or #725の日.

    The pairing attracts a lot of people due to the characters’ connection they formed as young adults and the sorrows that followed. Their contrasting aesthetics, personal views, and eventually their opposing positions in the jujutsu world make them a fascinating dynamic to explore. Another thing that sparks interest in the fanbase is that despite Gojo’s omnipotence and absolute invincibility, he has one weakness, which turns out to be the memory of his dead friend. Gojo is similarly Geto’s weakness, as it is ultimately Gojo who figures out Geto’s real intentions behind the Night Parade of a 100 Demons.

    The ship’s popularity reached the cosplayers, too. For example, in 2021, married couple from China with almost 7,5 million followers combined on Chinese social platform Weibo cosplayed the characters during CP28, Chinese Comic Con held in Shanghai. As seen in the video the couple posted, they were extremely popular, as the crowd of fans kept following them wherever they went.

    Many fans view Gojo and Geto’s falling out as a break up or divorce, there are a lot of fan works (art and fanfiction) made surrounding the theme of ex romantic partners. One of the most popular concepts is Geto and Gojo breaking up in front of KFC, which leads to humorous fan arts like this or this and even playlists (for example). A great amount of works focuses on the time period between Geto’s turn and Volume 0, when Gojo and Geto are considered to be on the opposite sides of the law (fulfilling the trope Love Across Battlelines). Given Satoru and Suguru’s story is undoubtedly tragic, many fan works on AO3 are dedicated to studying such emotional states as heartbreak, loss, grief, e.g.

    Another trope explored in fanfiction and fan arts is found family, considering Gojo became Tsumiki and Megumi’s guardian, while Geto took responsibility of raising two girls — Mimiko and Nanako (like here, here, or here). Some AUs include Suguru being mentally stable and becoming a teacher at Jujutsu High along with Satoru (and getting to know Satoru’s students). This inspires many artists to come up with different, often comical, ideas of what their day-to-day life would be like. While some prefer to reminisce on the sorcerers’ youth, others like to explore what their life could be like if Geto came back and took control of his body (like depicted in this comic or in this AO3 work). Often SatoSugu feature works dedicated to other pairings as a background couple, especially in ShokoHime fanfiction and artworks.

    FAN FICTION Gojo Satoru/Geto Suguru tag on AO3

    Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru tag on AO3

    ART Satoru Gojo/Suguru Geto tag on Pixiv

    Suguru Geto/Satoru Gojo tag on Pixiv

    夏五 tag on Bilibili

    五夏 tag on Bilibili

    •Both Geto and Gojo are two of the four registered Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerers.

    •According to mangaka Gege Akutami, Satoru’s first impression of Suguru was “bangs”.

    •After Geto left Jujutsu High and went rogue, he started wearing a ceremonial outer robe called “gojō-gesa” (五条袈裟), Gege admitted it was intentional as they thought it would be a good way “to connect them”.

    •Gojo and Geto have techniques that oppose each other in its essence: Gojo’s technique allows him to be untouchable to his enemies, while Geto is forced to consume curses in order to defeat them.

    •They both invoke Buddhist imagery.

    •Gojo’s name means “to be spiritually awakened”, in its stem form “enlightenment”. When he fights Toji, he reaches the level of higher perception, and upon touching the source of the cursed energy, he feels enlightened. After almost dying and symbolically coming back to the living world, Gojo famously declares, “Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the honored one.” It is what Buddha first said when he emerged from his mother’s womb.

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  3. Position: Chief Engineer, Synthesis lead First semester of Aerospace capstone project at The University of Texas at Arlington. Reverse engineering of the supersonic transport aircraft, Concorde ...

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  4. Apr 18, 2024 · Suguru Sato has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

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