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  1. What Are The Best Cauliflower Recipes? - Yahoo Recipe Search

    All-In-One Roast Chicken Dinner
    Don't expect a fine dining recipe -- this is rustic, comfort food for the busy cook, which will fill the kitchen with its fragrance as it roasts! I make this dish at least once a week or ten days, and always heave a sigh of relief when I've shoved the entire dinner into the oven in one go and can leave it to cook itself, while I do something more interesting! A salad is all I make as an extra. The vegetables can be substituted with any others, as long as they will roast satisfactorily. I don't like roasting carrots, for example, because they can come out still chewy. The veggies used for Mediterranean roast dishes are best, but use what you have available. As I cook for two, the breast part of the chicken will always be left (we prefer legs and wings) and is very useful for a chicken salad, or chopped up and used in a pasta topping. Note that quantities given are basically for 2 people, so adjust quantities for more, and cut down on the variety because there won't be space in the roaster!!
    Shrimp Mac-N-Cheese
    I had some shrimp and other various items in the pantry, and the result was this recipe. My family loved it, which is my best indicator of whether or not it's worth making again. Don't be afraid to add other ingredients if that's what you have on hand.
    Avocado and Tofu Dip
    Apparently the high nutritional value of avocados was well known by the Aztecs and the Incas. In the twenty-first century, it’s often what we put with avocado that makes our recipes somewhat less than healthy. This is a super-healthy avocado dip - with tofu, cider vinegar, yoghurt and spring onions – which loses none of the appeal of an avocado dip although it is packed with ingredients so healthy that even your cardiologist will be asking you for the recipe! Serve with crisp raw vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower florets and sticks of celery, carrots and zucchini. Or, if you feel that the dip is healthy enough to make some small dietary sins permissible, serve with your favourite crackers. Adapted from the website.
    My Mother’s Shepherd’s Pie
    Food Network
    Geoffrey Zakarian ate this dish often as a kid, but he didn’t know it as shepherd’s pie, just as a tasty use of leftovers. “My mom, Viola, served it whenever there was extra meat,” he says. “It’s the best comfort food.” The recipe is easy to adjust based on what you have: You can substitute ground beef or turkey for the lamb or swap the potato for cauliflower or turnip purée.
    Sausage Zwiebelkuchen (GF, LC)
    I was inventing this on the fly, late one afternoon. I wanted to twist up the pepper, onions, and sausage combination in a new way. First, I was going to whip up some cauliflower hash browns and use them as a crust. But when I made the mixture, I included cheese and by the looks of it, I decided to just line the bottom of a large pan and pre-bake it for toppings. I had decided on the combination of bulk sausage and links. And I wanted to make a vegetable layer and a cheese layer (in some order, but I only decided at the last minute which way to go with that). When I mixed the ricotta, cheeses and eggs, I was well on the way to a quiche custard, so I first layered the pepper and onions onto the crust, then poured the cheese mixture, then distributed the meat. I was deciding what to name this thing while I was eating it, and I found out that the Germans make something called a Zwiebelkuchen (onion cake), and that kuchen is the etymological origin of the work quiche. The Zwiebelkuchen is either made either flat or deep-dish, starting with a pastry crust that contains caraway seeds – proof positive that I did not know of these Zwiebelkuchen, because adding caraway seeds to the crust is a simply awesome idea. A ton of caramelized onions are added to the crust, which is then covered by an egg and sour cream mixture and topped with a meat. I made a cauliflower crust based on some cauliflower hash brown recipes. I used pepper and onions for the vegetable layer and a ricotta/cheese/egg mixture for the custard. Then I topped it all with a mixture of the bulk sausage and sausage slices, with a sprinkle of cheese at the end. A 2.5 x 3.5 inch slice, 1/16 of the 9x13 pan, clocks in at only 350 calories with 10g total carbs (4g of which are sugars that mostly come from the onions).
    Citrus-Sage Roast Turkey with Gravy: Large Crowd
    Sage is to turkey what cinnamon is to apples; they go together like bread and butter. The seasoned butter on this bird is a bright and herbal mix of chopped sage leaves and fresh orange and lemon zest, which bathes the breast with the essence of the Thanksgiving aroma. For the all-important gravy, we offer two homemade options for stock, as well as store-bought chicken broth. We can't rave enough about the gravy made from the brown turkey stock. Trust us when we say it produces the most soul-satisfying sauce, and because it's not dependent on the giblets from your turkey, it can be made weeks ahead and frozen. If you're hosting a smaller group for Thanksgiving this year, such as a group of four, or perhaps even just the two of you, we suggest forgoing the whole bird for a [turkey breast](/recipes/food/views/51137810) with the same prep. _**Editor's Note:**_ This recipe is part of our _Gourmet_ Modern Menu for Thanksgiving for 2 or 20\. Menu also includes: [Roasted Butternut Squash Ribbons with Arugula, Pancetta, and Hazelnut Salad;](/recipes/food/views/51138000) [Mashed Potato and Cauliflower Gratin;](/recipes/food/views/51138010) [Cabernet-Cranberry Sauce with Figs;](/recipes/food/views/51138020) [Challah, Sausage, and Dried Cherry Stuffing;](/recipes/food/views/51138030) and for dessert, [Apple Crostata with Spiced Caramel Sauce](/recipes/food/views/51138040) .
    This is a very old recipe and I have made it for years with no issues. But if you are in doubt, use a pressure canner. If there's enough acid added I don't think you need to pressure can but some newbies come along and "think" they are experts. :) This has to be one of the best antipasto recipes ever! The original recipe came from one of those cookbooks where everyone submits a recipe but it has been modified. The only reason for this is when my Dad and Sister were making it they weren't sure if you were supposed to drain the olives and pickled onions, ...they didn't and it came out great! The longer you can let it sit the better it taste. It is quite a costly recipe to make so what I do is buy the "sale" items throughout the year and make it up a bit before Christmas, that's why I'm posting it now---watch for sales :)
    Roasted Cauliflower with Sumac and Rosemary Oil
    This summer, thanks to my partner (a former chef, what luck!) I discovered the magic that is cauliflower substitution. Cauliflower easily subs for rice and potatoes in a wide range of recipes and is easier on my stomach than those starchy staples. Plus, cauliflower has many health benefits and, when cooked correctly, does not have the smell and taste we deemed disgusting as kids. My finicky steak and potatoes baby boomer father saw me making cauliflower dishes for dinner and requested - without my asking - to try some. He soon asked for a second serving. This recipe is a tasty take on roasted potatoes and works well as a side dish or, for me, a small lunch after a big breakfast. Months ago I'd used sumac with molasses and pecans for a salad and finally found another use for this tart spice. The rosemary oil adds depth and the sumac nuance to an if-it-were-potatoes-it'd-typically-be-at-a-brunch-or-dinner food. Enjoy! [A side note: I accidentally burned myself while making this recipe and heard from fellow chefs that a good dab of mustard on the burn eases the pain and prevents a bad burn. And I can see a good dab of Dijon being added to the oil and sumac mixture giving this recipe an added kick, if you're in the mood for experimenting!]
    Ghiveci---Romanian Vegetable Stew
    This is my favorite Romanian dish. It is popular in summer and during Ortodox lent, when hen you can't eat meat. The recipe can vary a the late summer people put in eggplant sometimes, in the earlier summer zucchini. Use what is best for the season. Make sure to follow the cooking order so that nothing gets too mushy. Serve this with rice. Some people even add a bit of rice towards the end of the cooking time.