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  1. Aphorisms are often (though not always) witty or humorous, and they're used everywhere, from philosophical texts and great works of literature, to pop songs and everyday conversation. Some additional key details about aphorisms: Aphorisms are memorable and convincing because of their pithiness.

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  3. Aphorisms are short, serious, humorous, and philosophical truths about life. E.g. In times of adversity, she turned to the aphorism, 'this too shall pass,' finding solace in the timeless wisdom encapsulated within these succinct words. An aphorism is a brief statement professing the truth.

  4. An aphorism is a short saying that observes a general truth. Aphorisms are often concise and mildly humorous statements that are intended to appeal to the masses as a message of wisdom or understanding, such as “some days you eat the bear; some days the bear eats you.”

  5. An aphorism is a short, pithy statement offering instruction, truth, or opinion; like a maxim or an adage. From the Greek word aphorismos meaning “short, pithy sentence,” aphorism often relies upon imagery and metaphor to relay an important point in a concise statement.

  6. An aphorism is a short saying that expresses a truth in a memorable way. Aphorisms can sometimes be humorous, but are not necessarily so. They often have some parallelism or juxtaposition to make the point, such as in the example of Lord Acton’s famous quote “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

  7. Aphorism (pronounced AFF-or-ism) is a short statement of a general truth, insight, or good advice. It’s roughly similar to a “saying.” Aphorisms often use metaphors or creative imagery to get their general point across. For example: If the shoe fits, wear it.

  8. Aug 21, 2023 · An aphorism, according to most dictionaries, is a short, clear statement that expresses a general truth or a sharp observation. It's like a miniature wisdom nugget, wrapped up in a few well-chosen words. Here's a breakdown of what an aphorism is: Short and clear: Aphorisms are not long-winded essays.

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