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  1. Jan 26, 2023 · Jesus calls Himself “gentle and lowly” as He speaks to the people, first identifying John the Baptist as a prophet, and then denouncing various cities in the region for their unrepentance in spite of the great miracles worked there in the name of the Lord.

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  3. Dec 14, 2021 · What did Jesus mean when He said "gently and lowly in heart"? Learn about the Bible meaning of this phrase and its importance for us today.

  4. Jul 10, 2023 · The terms gentle and lowly portray Jesus as approachable and accessible. He does not distance Himself from humanity but rather draws near to those in need. Jesus welcomes the broken, the burdened, and the weary.

  5. Apr 6, 2023 · The word ‘lowly’ in the Bible usually means ‘humbleornot proud’. It can also mean ‘not having a lot of money’ or ‘not having a high social position’. The Bible offers many definitions for the word “lowly.”. In general, it refers to someone who is humble, meek, and submissive.

  6. Dec 17, 2009 · "Lowly" means "humble in feeling or demeanor; not proud or ambitious" (Oxford English Dictionary). Lowly has the sense of being humble in condition or quality, usually with the notion of modest or unpretending. In its adverb sense, it means humbly, reverently or modestly.

  7. Mar 31, 2020 · The meaning of the word “lowly” overlaps with that of “gentle,” together communicating a single reality about Jesus’s heart. This specific word lowly is generally translated “humble” in the New Testament, such as in James 4:6: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”.

  8. Jul 9, 2019 · The Greek phrase translated as lowly in heart is ταπεινὸς τῇ καρδίᾳ tapeinos tē kardia; The word study states 5011 tapeinós (an adjective) – properly, low; (figuratively) inner lowliness describing the person who depends on the Lord rather than self. See 5012 (tapeinophrosynē).

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