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  2. May 25, 2010 · The 1960s started off as the dawn of a golden age to most Americans. On January 20, 1961, the handsome and charismatic John F. Kennedy became president of the United States.

    • 1960. February 1, 1960 - Four black college students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro, North Carolina stage a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth lunch counter, protesting their denial of service.
    • 1961. January 3, 1961 - Disputes over the nationalization of United States businesses in Cuba cause the U.S. Government to sever diplomatic and consular relations with the Cuban government.
    • 1962. February 7, 1962 - The first sign of a looming Vietnam conflict emerges when President Kennedy admits that the military advisors already in Vietnam would engage the enemy if fired upon.
    • 1963. March 21, 1963 - The last twenty-seven prisoners of Alcatraz, the island prison in San Francisco Bay, are ordered removed by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, and the federal penitentiary is closed.
  3. Oct 14, 2016 · May 1, 1960. U2 Plane Shot Down. Soviet Russia shoots down U.S. spy plane. Pilot Francis Gary Powers is detained for two years. May 13, 1960. Students Protest HUAC Tactics

  4. What happened in 1960 Major News Stories include US Enters Vietnam War, The IRA starts it's fight against the British, John F Kennedy wins presidential Election , Chubby Chequer and The twist start a new dance craze, Soviet missile shoots down the US U2 spy plane, Aluminum Cans used for the first time, The US announces 3,500 American soldiers ar...

    • Jennifer Rosenberg
    • 1960. The decade opened with a presidential election that included the first televised debates between the two candidates: John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon.
    • 1961. On March 1, 1961, President Kennedy founded the Peace Corps, a federal agency designed to give Americans an opportunity to serve their country and the world through volunteer community-based projects.
    • 1962. The biggest event of 1962 was the Cuban Missile Crisis. Through this event, the United States was on edge for 13 days (October 16–28) during a confrontation with the Soviet Union.
    • 1963. The news of this year made an indelible mark on the nation with the assassination of JFK on November 22 in Dallas while he was visiting on a campaign trip.
  5. 1960's Major News Events in History. 1960 Democrat John F. Kennedy wins the U.S. Presidential Election after defeating Republican Richard Nixon. 1961 The Bay of Pigs invasion is an unsuccessful U,S, backed operation to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba; 1962 The Cuban Missile Crisis has the world on the edge of another World War

  6. May 1 – A Soviet missile shoots down an American Lockheed U-2 spy plane; the pilot Gary Powers is captured. May 3 – The Fantasticks , the world's longest-running musical , opens at New York City's Sullivan Street Playhouse , where it will play for 42 years.

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