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  1. This video discusses what literary works copyright protects, what it means to be a copyright holder, and how you can register your literary works with the U.S. Copyright Office. If you’re a writer, there are a few key things to know about copyright law and the protections available to you.

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  3. An application contains three essential elements: a completed application form, a nonrefundable filing fee, and a nonreturnable deposit— that is, a copy or copies of the work being registered and “deposited” with the Copyright Office.

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  4. The copyright application must contain three things: 1. Application Form. There are different application forms for different types of copyrighted works and for different types of registrations. Registration usually covers only one copyright work. However, for certain types of works a group registration is possible.

  5. Are there specific requirements regarding the title of my work that I should know when completing my application? What is the registration fee? Do you take credit cards?

  6. · ip-policy · copyright-policyCopyright basics | USPTO

    U.S. copyright law contains numerous exceptions and limitations to the exclusive rights of copyright owners, including in the following areas: Library and archival copying; Educational and nonprofit broadcasting for purposes of distance learning; Nonprofit live performances and displays; Reproductions for visually impaired persons

  7. What are the Types of Online Copyright Registration Applications? The U.S. Copyright Office offers a variety of copyright registration applications depending on the number of works, the number of authors (“author” is the legal term for the creator of the work), and the type of work.

  8. In order for a work of authorship to meet the requirements for copyright protection, the work must satisfy two basic criteria: originality, and fixation. The specifics on what each criterion is and how it can be met is as followed.

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