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    • Blood in Urine. In some cases, bloody urine can look brown. Doctors call bloody urine hematuria, and there are many different causes. These include: Kidney or bladder infections or cancers.
    • Hepatitis. Brown urine is one of the first and most common signs of hepatitis, which is another name for liver inflammation. There's more than one type of this disease, including hepatitis A, B, and C.
    • Cirrhosis. Brown urine can also be a symptom of cirrhosis. That is the name for scars on the liver that form after you've been living for years with hepatitis or other types of liver disease.
    • Kidney Disease. Some kidney diseases can cause brown urine. For example, a kidney infection called post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) can turn your pee a reddish-brown color.
  1. People also ask

    • Clear Or Colorless Urine
    • Pale Or Transparent Yellow Urine
    • Dark Yellow Urine
    • Orange Urine
    • Dark Orange Or Brown Urine
    • Dark Brown Or Black Urine
    • Pink Or Red Urine
    • Blue Or Green Urine
    • Cloudy Urine
    • White Or Milky Urine

    Clear urine may be a sign that a person is drinking a lot of water. Doing this can alterthe balance of electrolytes in the blood. Diuretics, or water pills, increase urine output. People taking these medications may find they urinate more frequently, and their urine may be clear. Diabetes can also cause people to urinate more frequentlyTrusted Sour...

    Pale or transparent yellow urine is typically a signthat a person is hydrated and drinking enough water. Diabetes insipidus is a condition in which the body produces excess urine. It can causeTrusted Sourcepeople to pass large quantities of light-colored urine every time they urinate. It can also cause people to feel very thirsty, leading them to d...

    Dark yellow urine may indicate that a person is mildly dehydrated. This typically means that they need to drink more water. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source states that there is no recommendation regarding how much water a person should drink each day. However, if possible, a person may wish to aim for approximatel...

    Light orange urine may mean a person is slightly dehydrated, so may need to increase their fluid intake. Certain vitamins, such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), can also makeTrusted Source urine turn a bright yellowor orange color. Medications that may turnurine orange include: 1. sulfasalazine, an anti-inflammatory drug 2. phenazopyridine 3. certain la...

    The Urology Care Foundation notes that dark orange or brown urinecan occur if a person is not producing enough urine. This makes the urine they produce more concentrated and darker in color. This may be due to dehydration, strenuous exercise, or being in a hot climate. Drinking more fluids and replacing electrolytesmay help dilute the urine, which ...

    Dark urine may be an indication of a medical condition: 1. Liver disease: Dark urine may be a signTrusted Sourceof liver disease. 2. Rhabdomyolysis: Dark brown, dark red, or tea-colored urine may be a signof rhabdomyolysis, which is a serious condition that occurs from muscle tissue death. People with this condition need immediate medical treatment...

    A person’s urine may be pink or red after eating certain foods, such as beetroot, blackberries, and rhubarb. Blood in the urine, or hematuria, may also cause urine to become pink or red. This may occur due to: 1. urinary tract infection (UTI) 2. prostate infection 3. kidney stones In some cases, it may be a sign of kidney disease or cancer. Laxativ...

    The Urology Care Foundationnotes that certain medications or eating foods that contain large amounts of food dye can cause blue or green urine. Medications include: 1. amitriptyline, an antidepressant 2. indomethacin, a pain reliever 3. propofol, an anesthetic Green urine may also indicate a UTI.

    Cloudy urinemay be a sign of a UTI. Other symptoms may include: 1. foul-smelling urine 2. urinating more frequently 3. pain, or a burning sensation when urinating

    Chyluria is a condition in which chyle, a milky substance made during digestion, is present in the urine. It mostly occursTrusted Source due to a parasitic infection that affects the lymphatic systemand urinary tract.

    • Beth Sissons
    • Red or pink urine. Red urine isn't always a sign of a serious health problem. Red or pink urine can be caused by: Blood. Health problems that can cause blood in the urine include an enlarged prostate, tumors that aren't cancer, and kidney stones and cysts.
    • Orange urine. Orange urine can be caused by: Medicines. Phenazopyridine and some constipation medicines can turn urine orange. So can sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), a medicine that lessens swelling and irritation.
    • Blue or green urine. Blue or green urine can be caused by: Dyes. Some brightly colored food dyes can cause green urine. Dyes used for some kidney and bladder tests can turn urine blue.
    • Dark brown or cola-colored urine. Brown urine can be caused by: Food. Eating lots of fava beans, rhubarb or aloe can cause dark brown urine. Medicines. Some medicine that can darken urine are
  2. Sep 17, 2018 · Brown urine may indicate something as simple as a new medication, or it could be a sign of a more serious condition. Here are some possible causes of brown urine.

    • Aaron Kandola
    • Dehydration. Share on Pinterest. Brown urine is a symptom of dehydration. Dehydration occurs when the body lacks enough water to function properly. A person can become dehydrated for many reasons, including excessive sweating, urinating, and not drinking enough fluids.
    • Foods or medications. It is possible for certain foods and medications to cause the urine to change color. They can cause urine to become dark and appear brown.
    • Liver disease. Several liver conditions can lead to brown urine. Hepatitis refers to inflammation of the liver, usually from a viral infection. This can cause urine to become darker and appear brown.
    • Hematuria. Share on Pinterest. Hematuria can cause the urine to appear brown. Hematuria refers to blood in the urine. It causes urine to become pink, red, or brown.
  3. Sep 24, 2022 · From the kidneys, urine drains down paired tubes called ureters into your bladder for storage. When it is time to urinate, urine flows from your bladder through your urethra to the outside. Read on to learn about the possible causes of brown urine and when to contact a doctor.

  4. Apr 19, 2024 · Dark brown urine may be from dehydration, but it could also be a sign of blood in your urine, an issue with your kidneys or liver, or that you have a urinary tract infection.