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  1. Oct 15, 2015 · is decoded correctly by Python via dbcs codec, but only on Windows. most other programs (file, chardet, sublime-text, ...) incorrectly classify it as UTF-8 (and accordingly display Chinese characters) it seems like every three bytes encode two characters. You would think (3) would settle it ("it's an East Asian multi-byte encoding"), but then ...

  2. Unicode/UTF-8-character table - starting from code position 3000. UTF-8 encoding table and Unicode characters.

  3. Jun 20, 2021 · Welcome! The "titles1" folder is not standard in Rpg Maker, but it is not something that interferes with its functioning. The real cause of the problem is the Asian characters: タイトル.png-> %E3%82%BF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88%E3%83%AB.png. Same issue as this topic: RMMV - YEP Load Custom Fonts plugin did not work.

  4. e8 a8 98 e6 86 b6 e3 82 b5 e3 83 bc e3 83 90 e3 83 bc e3 83 92 e3 82 ab e3 83 aa e3 83 aa e3 82 ac e3 83 9f e3 82 a8 e3 83 ab What's this??? do someone know how to traduce it? Share

  5. =e3=82=b7=e3=82=b9=e3=83=86=e3=83=a0=e6=9d=a1=e4=bb=b6. filemaker=e3=82=af=e3=83=a9=e3=82=a4=e3=82=a2=e3=83=b3=e3=83=88. supercontainer=e4=b8=ad=e3=81=ab=e4=bf=9d=e7 ...

  6. 約10万5千人が犠牲となった関東大震災から100年。首都・東京は延焼を防ぐため、建物の耐震化や耐火化、幹線道路の敷設など災害に強い都市 ...

  7. ").append(i.responseText.replace(tb,"")).find(e):i.responseText);d&&j.e= ach(d,[i.responseText,o,i])}});return this}, serialize:function(){return = c.param(this ...