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  1. › wiki › Origin_mythOrigin myth - Wikipedia

    An origin myth is a type of myth that explains the beginnings of a natural or social aspect of the world. One specific kind of origin myth is the creation or cosmogonic myth, which narrates the formation of the universe. However, numerous cultures have stories that take place after the initial origin. These stories aim to explain the origins of ...

  2. 乃木坂太郎. 乃木坂 太郎 (のぎざか たろう、 1968年 - )は、 日本 の男性 漫画家 。. 石川県 七尾市 出身で 日本大学藝術学部 映画学科 を卒業し [1] 、代表作に『 医龍-Team Medical Dragon- 』がある。. 1999年 に『HOOP STAR』を『 週刊少年サンデー増刊号 』に連載し ...

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  4. Hindu mythology; Islamic mythology; Jewish mythology; Meitei mythology; Greek mythology; Wiccan deities; Gnostic mythology; Norse mythology; Mythologies by time period. Ancient mythologies by period of first attestation. Bronze Age. Hindu mythology; Canaanite mythology; Chinese mythology; Egyptian mythology; Hittite mythology; Hurrian mythology ...

  5. In Japanese mythology, the Japanese Creation Myth (天地開闢, Tenchi-kaibyaku, Literally "Creation of Heaven & Earth") is the story that describes the legendary birth of the celestial and creative world, the birth of the first gods, and the birth of the Japanese archipelago . This story is described at the beginning of the Kojiki, the first ...

  6. myth. Shintō. Japanese. Japanese mythology, body of stories compiled from oral traditions concerning the legends, gods, ceremonies, customs, practices, and historical accounts of the Japanese people. Most of the surviving Japanese myths are recorded in the Kojiki (compiled 712; “Records of Ancient Matters”) and the Nihon shoki (compiled in ...

  7. Mar 10, 2020 · The Age of the Gods: A Japanese Creation Myth. Japanese mythology is collectively chronicled in the Kojiki, the oldest historical record written in Japan in 712 AD, and in the Nihon Shoki written in 720. As was common practice before the age of script, these tales were passed on through oral traditions—the Teiki and Kuji, among others—for ...

  8. 乃木坂太郎がイラスト付きでわかる!. 日本の漫画家。. 代表作は『医龍-Team Medical Dragon-』。. 1968年生まれ、石川県出身。. 1999年、小学館週刊少年サンデー増刊号連載作品『HOOP STAR』でデビュー。. 2000年に週刊少年サンデーで『キリンジ-Open The Adventure Door ...

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