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  1. › wiki › 前田直敬前田直敬 - Wikipedia

    この存命人物の記事には、出典が まったくありません 。 信頼できる情報源の提供に、ご協力をお願いします。存命人物に関する出典の無い、もしくは不完全な情報に基づいた論争の材料、特に潜在的に中傷・誹謗・名誉毀損あるいは有害となるものはすぐに除去する必要があります

  2. Wikipedia, a free-content online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers known as Wikipedians, began with its first edit on 15 January 2001, two days after the domain was registered. [2] It grew out of Nupedia, a more structured free encyclopedia, as a way to allow easier and faster drafting of articles and translations.

  3. Garza – 335,829 – From Basque and Galician, Spanish meaning "heron", used as a descriptor or as part of a place name. Velásquez – 331,510 – Son of Velasco Estrada – 324,103 – From various places called Estrada, meaning "road", from Latin stata "via" denoting a paved way.

  4. For example, the meaning of the words Hari or Ram as used by Sikhs does not mean the same thing as these terms do in the Hindu (particularity Vaishnav) traditions. Usage of these names does not mean Sikhs conceptualize their concept of God in the form of the incarnated devas or devis from Indic mythology , but rather they are used to describe ...

  5. Many North American professional sports franchises have used the same team name. The list below are names that have been shared by two or more professional sports teams. Format. Name – location (sport, status) Name refers to the team name (like Yankees). Location refers to the city (like Boston), state/province (California), or area (New ...

  6. › wiki › WikipediaWikipedia - Wikipedia

    Wikipedia [note 3] is a free content online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers, known as Wikipedians, through open collaboration and the use of the wiki -based editing system MediaWiki. Wikipedia is the largest and most-read reference work in history.

  7. The origin or origins of a person refers to the country from where the person, his parents or his ancestors come. The origin of a person can be determined from a first name, a family name or a full name for more precision. The countries of origin returned are based on the country codes defined in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.

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