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  1. The Mystery of the Last Supper. Cambridge University Press. hlm. 77 and 189. ISBN 978-0521732000. ^ "Gempa bumi Kepulauan Aleut 1946". Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. 2023-03-03. Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai 1 April.

  2. On 23 January 1942, three years before the 1945 proclamation, an independence activist Nani Wartabone declared "Indonesian independence" after he and his people won in a revolt in Gorontalo against the Dutch who were afraid of Japanese invasion of Celebes. He was later imprisoned by the Japanese after they had invaded the area.

    • 17 August 1945; 78 years ago
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  4. Содержание. 1 апреля — 91-й день года (92-й в високосные годы) по григорианскому календарю . До конца года остаётся 274 дня. До 15 октября 1582 года — 1 апреля по юлианскому календарю, с 15 октября 1582 ...

  5. April adalah bulan keempat dalam kalender masehi. Namanya diambil dari bahasa Latin " aperire " yang berarti membuka. Bulan ini adalah salah satu dari empat bulan yang memiliki 30 hari. Bulan April berlangsung pada hari ke-91 hingga hari ke-120 (atau hari ke-91 hingga ke-121 pada tahun kabisat ). Bulan ini menjadi urutan kedua dalam perhitungan ...

  6. День смеха, День дураков — всемирный праздник, отмечаемый 1 апреля во многих государствах и странах. Во время этого праздника принято разыгрывать друзей и знакомых или просто подшучивать ...

  7. 5 October: The nucleus of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, the Public Security Armed Forces ( Tentara Keamanan Rakyat ), is formed on the basis of the units of the People's Security Department ( Badan Keamanan Rakyat ). 10 October: Japanese troops push Republicans out of Bandung and a week later hand the city over to the British.

  8. 2018 - The People's Republic of China's Tiangong-1 space station breaks up on re-entry to Earth's atmosphere and lands in the Southern Pacific Ocean near Tahiti. 2019 - It is revealed that " Reiwa " will be the name of Japan 's new imperial era when Emperor Akihito abdicates at the end of the month in favour of his son Naruhito .

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