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  1. 10 Desember — Oded Muhammad Danial (59), politikus Indonesia, Wali Kota Bandung (sejak 2018) dan Wakil Wali Kota Bandung (2013–2018). 14 Desember — Abraham Lunggana (62), politikus Indonesia, anggota DPR (2019–2021). 15 Desember — Edelenyi Laura Anna (21), selebgram Indonesia keturunan Hungaria dan Melayu.

  2. Nasrul Abit (66), politikus Indonesia, Wakil Gubernur Sumatera Barat (2016-2021), Bupati Pesisir Selatan (2005-2015). Ed Asner (91), aktor Amerika Serikat, Presiden Screen Actors Guild (1981–1985). Jacques Rogge (79), administrator olahraga Belgia, Presiden Komite Olimpiade Internasional (2001–2013).

  3. Taking office at age 29, Ocasio-Cortez is the youngest woman ever to serve in the United States Congress, and also the youngest member of the 116th Congress. [123] When the 116th Congress convened on January 3, 2019, Ocasio-Cortez entered with no seniority but with a large social media presence.

    • Context
    • Toward Crisis
    • Insurrection
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    On 20 April 1792, France declared war against the King of Bohemia and Hungary (Austria). The initial battles were a disaster for a French army partially disorganised by mutinies, emigration of officers and political change. Prussia then joined Austria in active alliance against France, eventually declaring war on France on 13 June. The blame for th...

    On 3 July Pierre Vergniaud gave a wider scope to the debate by uttering a threat against the King's person: "It is in the King's name that the French princes have tried to rouse all the courts of Europe against the nation, it is to avenge the dignity of the King that the treaty of Pillnitz was concluded and the monstrous alliance formed between the...

    Throughout the night of 9 August, the sections sat in consultation. At 11 o'clock the Quinze-Vingts section proposed that each section should appoint three of its members onto a body with instructions "to recommend immediate steps to save the state" (sauver la chose publique). During the night 28 sections answered this invitation. Their representat...

    The crisis of the summer of 1792 was a major turning-point of the Revolution. By overthrowing the monarchy, the popular movement had effectively issued a challenge to the whole of Europe; internally, the declaration of war and overthrow of the monarchy radicalized the Revolution. If the Revolution was to survive it would have to call on all of the ...

    Hampson, Norman (1988). A Social History of the French Revolution. Routledge: University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-710-06525-6.
    Kropotkin, Peter (1929). The Great French Revolution 1789-1793. Vol. I. New York: Vanguard Press. OL 5222400M.
    Lefebvre, Georges (1962). The French Revolution: from its Origins to 1793. Vol. I. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-08599-0.

    The document by which the National Assembly formally deposed Louis XVI and called for the Convention, translated into English.

    • Paris, Île-de-France, France
  4. 1939 - Bob Tutupoly penyanyi, dan MC Indonesia; 1991 - Matt Bennett, aktor, penyanyi, dan screenwriter asal Amerika Serikat; 1999 - Serena Onasis, penyanyi-pencipta lagu, penari, dan aktris asal Indonesia. Meninggal. 1770 - George Grenville, Perdana Menteri Britania Raya (l. 1712) 1963 - Dr. Sahardjo, pahlawan Indonesia (l. 1909)

  5. 10月13日是阳历一年中的第286天闰年第287天),离全年的结束还有79天

  6. 10月13日是陽曆一年中的第286天閏年第287天),離全年的結束還有79天

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