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  1. 4 days ago · Steven Universe is an American animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar for Cartoon Network. It tells the coming-of-age story of a young boy, Steven Universe ( Zach Callison ), who lives with the Crystal Gems—magical, mineral-based aliens named Garnet ( Estelle ), Amethyst ( Michaela Dietz ), and Pearl ( Deedee Magno Hall )—in ...

    • Garnet

      Garnet is a character from the animated series Steven...

    • Ian Jones-Quartey

      Ian Jones-Quartey (born June 18, 1984) is an American...

    • Zach Callison

      Callison began acting on television in 2009, with a...

    • Deedee Magno Hall

      Magno Hall began acting at a young age, lending her voice to...

  2. 4 days ago · Rose is not just the ghost haunting the narrative but the rose-tinted filter the characters must shatter to grow. Steven Universe, created by Rebecca Sugar, is the coming-of-age story of 13-year-old Steven Universe as he attempts to master his powers and become a Crystal Gem.

  3. Sep 3, 2024 · Steven Universe is a Tank/Mage character in MultiVersus. Read on to find out Steven Universe's rating and basic info, as well as Steven Universe's attacks and special moves, best combos, best perks, and a list of skins available for Steven Universe!

  4. 5 days ago · The timeline below shows the date of publication of possible major scientific breakthroughs, theories and discoveries, along with the discoverer. This article discounts mere speculation as discovery, although imperfect reasoned arguments, arguments based on elegance/simplicity, and numerically/experimentally verified conjectures qualify (as ...

  5. › wiki › SwastikaSwastika - Wikipedia

    1 day ago · The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit root swasti, which is composed of su 'good, well' and asti 'is; it is; there is'. [30] The word swasti occurs frequently in the Vedas as well as in classical literature, meaning 'health, luck, success, prosperity', and it was commonly used as a greeting.

  6. › wiki › TukholmaTukholma – Wikipedia

    2 days ago · Kiistelty tapahtuma Tukholman kaupungin arkkitehtuurin historiassa on 1960-luvulta, jolloin 1800-luvulla rakennettu Klarakvarteret osin purettiin. Nykyään kaupungin uudet rakennukset edustavat paluuta niukkaan ja puhtaaseen suunnitteluun.

  7. 2 days ago · Itsenäinen, eurooppalaisesta kirjallisuudesta erkaantunut amerikkalainen kirjallisuus kehittyi 1700-luvulla ja 1800-luvun alussa. 1800-luvun merkittävimpien kirjailijoiden joukossa olivat Edgar Allan Poe, James Fenimore Cooper ja Herman Melville.

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