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  1. 1944. "1944" on 2015. aastal esilinastunud Eesti sõjafilm, mille on lavastanud Elmo Nüganen. Filmi keskmes on Teise maailmasõja sündmused Eestis 1944. aastal, ulatudes ajaliselt Sinimägede lahingust juulis kuni Sõrve sääre vallutamiseni Punaarmee poolt novembris. Filmis käsitletakse sõjasündmusi nii Saksa armees kui ka Punaarmees ...

  2. › wiki › 19441944 – Wikipedia

    1. syyskuuta – Neuvostoliiton hallitus jätti Suomen hallitukselle uhkavaatimuksen, jonka mukaan Suomen oli ilmoitettava seuraavan päivän iltaan mennessä, hyväksyykö se Neuvostoliiton rauhanneuvotteluille asettamat ennakkoehdot. Samassa ajassa Suomen oli ilmoitettava Saksalle maiden välisten suhteiden katkaisemisesta.

  3. The 1944 United States House of Representatives elections were elections for the United States House of Representatives to elect members to serve in the 79th United States Congress. They were held for the most part on November 7, 1944, while Maine held theirs on September 11.

  4. Operation Bagration (Russian: Операция Багратион, romanized: Operatsiya Bagration) was the codename for the 1944 Soviet Byelorussian strategic offensive operation (Russian: Белорусская наступательная операция «Багратион», romanized: Belorusskaya nastupatelnaya operatsiya "Bagration"), a military campaign fought between 22 June and 19 ...

  5. Arsenic and Old Lace. (film) Arsenic and Old Lace is a 1944 American screwball mystery black comedy film directed by Frank Capra and starring Cary Grant. The screenplay by Julius J. Epstein and Philip G. Epstein is based on Joseph Kesselring 's 1941 play of the same name. [3] The contract with the play's producers stipulated that the film would ...

  6. On December 21, 1944, PCPFL league president J. Rufus Klawans announced a merger between the two leagues. Immediately afterward, the AFL champion Hollywood Rangers and PCPFL champion San Diego Bombers scheduled two games, one at each team’s home, to decide the “unified” Pacific Coast championship. Hollywood swept San Diego, winning 42-7 ...

  7. › wiki › 19441944 - Wikipedia

    1944 (MCMXLIV) a fost un an bisect al calendarului gregorian, care a început într-o zi de sâmbătă. Evenimente. Al Doilea Război Mondial. Ianuarie 4 ianuarie-19 mai: Bătălia de la Monte Cassino. 1 ianuarie: Himmler raportează că 25.000 soldați ai Waffen-SS sunt ucraineni.

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