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  1. e. The Thirtieth of September Movement ( Indonesian: Gerakan 30 September, abbreviated as G30S, also known by the acronym Gestapu for Gerakan September Tiga Puluh, Thirtieth of September Movement, also unofficially called Gestok, for Gerakan Satu Oktober, or First of October Movement) was a self-proclaimed organization of Indonesian National ...

    • 1 October 1965; 58 years ago
    • Indonesia, Java and Jakarta
  2. The Indonesian Wikipedia is the fifth-fastest-growing Wikipedia in an Asian language after the Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Turkish language Wikipedias. It ranks 25th in terms of depth among Wikipedias. Its first article was written on 30 May 2003, [1] [2] yet its Main Page was created six months later on 29 November 2003.

  3. 1916年 : 孙中山 发表恢复《 临时约法 》宣言,并致电 黎元洪 ,要求“恢复约法”、“尊重国会”。. 1920年 : 閻瑞生 因无力偿还赌债而在上海劫杀妓女王莲英。. [1] 1923年 : 保加利亚 发生政变—“人民联盟”和“军事同盟”等推翻了“农民联盟”政府 ...

  4. On 28 September 2018, a shallow, large earthquake struck in the neck of the Minahasa Peninsula, Indonesia, with its epicentre located in the mountainous Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi. The magnitude 7.5 quake was located 70 km (43 mi) away from the provincial capital Palu and was felt as far away as Samarinda on East Kalimantan and also in ...

  5. 17 September 2021. Dua penumpang tewas dalam tenggelamnya kapal Pengayoman IV di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Presiden Aljazair ke-7 Abdelaziz Bouteflika meninggal pada usia 84 tahun. Philip Davis menjadi Perdana Menteri Bahama ke-5 setelah Partai Liberal Progresif yang dipimpinnya memenangkan pemilihan umum.

  6. Nasrul Abit (66), politikus Indonesia, Wakil Gubernur Sumatera Barat (2016-2021), Bupati Pesisir Selatan (2005-2015). Ed Asner (91), aktor Amerika Serikat, Presiden Screen Actors Guild (1981–1985). Jacques Rogge (79), administrator olahraga Belgia, Presiden Komite Olimpiade Internasional (2001–2013).

  7. 1930年 : 阿根廷 軍官 何塞·烏里武魯 發動軍事政變,推翻 激進公民聯盟 籍總統 伊波利托·伊里戈延 。. 1937年 : 中華蘇維埃共和國 政府結束,改為「 中華民國 陝甘寧邊區 政府」。. 1939年 : 二戰 : 南非 向 德國 宣戰。. 1944年 :二戰:盟軍解放 比利時 的 伊 ...

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