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  1. Below you can find a searchable list of all 70 7 Days to Die cheats. Pressing the "Discover", "Table" and "Card" buttons on the command list will change how commands and cheats are displayed. Use the search box below to instantly search our database of 7 Days to Die admin commands.

  2. Key 1. press F1 for US and EU keyboards. Key 2. press " for US keyboards. press @ for EU keyboards. press Ö/Ø/F2 for Scandinavian keyboards. press Ñ for spanish keyboards. Console Commands. Entering codes. Some commands are case sensitive; "a" is not the same as "A". Shortcuts can be used in place of the full command.

  3. Feb 7, 2024 · To input console commands, press one of the following keys on your keyboard: F1, “, @, Ö, Ø, F2 or Ñ. Remember, this varies depending on your keyboard layout. Type in the command and...

  4. Jul 2, 2021 · Console Command on 7 Days to Die. These commands provide players access to game statistics, change settings, and control guest players when the game runs in multiplayer. Here are simple steps to access the command console: Tap on the keys Ö, Ø, F1, F2 , @, or Ñ (see which works best). Next, type the command you want.

  5. . -> Main Commands. -> Admin Commands. -> Teleport Command. -> XP Commands. Here is a list of the console commands you can use in 7 Days To Die. If you are a single player, you can use all these commands as you will have admin privileges in your single-player game.

  6. Jul 5, 2023 · General Console Commands. repairchuckdensity [x z] [‘fix’] Check and/or repair the density of blocks in a single chucnk. showclouds [texture file name] Show a single layer of clouds. teleportplayer [player name/steam ID/ entity ID] [x y z] [offset x y z] [viewing direction] Teleport a player to a specific location.

  7. Commands. There are three ways to send commands to the server: In-Game console - using it, you may execute administrative commands related to the gameplay. Still, you can’t configure the server itself from the in-game console. Web console gives you access to all server commands from our web panel.

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